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Objavljeno: To nov 21, 2006 5:45 am
Napisal/-a esem
Formula 1 will add green measures by 2009

Posted Nov 17th 2006 1:03PM by Mike Magda
The big news in Formula 1 is the deal between organizers and the teams to avert a breakaway series. But we found an few interesting notes about future engines and CO2 emissions in an interview with FIA President Max Mosley and Grand Prix Manufacturers Assn. Chairman Burkhard Goschel. Besides reducing costs, F1 will also address CO2 emissions. Mosley says F1 developments should be "directly helpful to the car industry." F1 is considering implementing energy recovery and re-use from braking in 2009. Recovery and re-use of engine heat may be required the following year. In the long term, F1 is looking at a completely new engine, possibly downsized and turbocharged. Overall, the character of the interview seems to reflect an attitude that F1 should not be technology for technology's sake. As Goschel said: "It is interesting to make an engine capable of 22,000 rpm but there is no interest within the car industry to have such an engine."

[Source: Planet F-1]

Objavljeno: Sr nov 22, 2006 6:12 am
Napisal/-a esem
še dva bivša
Villeneuve and Montoya close in on closed wheels

Posted Nov 21st 2006 11:08AM by John Neff
As the 2006 NASCAR season comes to an end, the parallel sagas of our two former F1 drivers moving to stock cars drive on.

After talks between Jacques Villeneuve and Roush Racing came to an all but full and complete stop, the former world champion is apparently gearing up to drive under his own banner instead. Roush isn't entirely out of the picture, though, as the new team would use their machinery for the 2007 season. JV is tipped to be working with his manager Craig Pollock to put the deal together.

Meanwhile, McLaren refugee Juan Pablo Montoya has taken a big step towards NASCAR and another two back. Before the end of the 2006 season, after practicing in lower series, Montoya made his Nextel Cup debut at the season closer at the Homestead speedway in Florida. Close qualifying placed him a somewhat respectable 29 out of 43, with his team-mates in the Ganassi cars qualifying 11, 23 and 39. The race itself went worse, though, as JP crashed in the final laps of the race after having climbed to an admirable 13th place. Not bad for a rookie, but you've got to finish the race to win, and coming down from the pinnacle of motorsports, Juan Pablo is hardly a rookie.

One thing's for sure: more F1 fans (like this writer) will be keeping an eye on the stock car scene to see how Jacques and Juan Pablo fare as they try to make the jump from champagne to moonshine. Bottoms up, boys!


Objavljeno: Pe nov 24, 2006 10:18 am
Napisal/-a esem
Mika is a baka?
Po moje bo Mika honoraren test driver novega dirkalnika in bodo dali priložnost Hamiltonu - če ne bo dober po treh/štirih dirkah, bo pa vskočil sami Mika. Mu bo Miha sledil ali ga celo prehitel? Bo v tem primeru moral vrniti vsa darila?

Autoblog je napisal/-a:Return of the Hakk? Maybe, maybe not

Posted Nov 23rd 2006 5:01PM by Noah Joseph
Nothing gets the sporting press as excited as the prospect of a former champion coming out of retirement. When it's a race driver, the motoring press jumps on it too. So it's no surprise, then, that the rumors of Mika Hakkinen's purported return to Formula One have been spreading like margarine.

The Finnish driver (please, no finish-line jokes) won the title two years running in '98 and '99 behind the wheel of a McLaren, before retiring in 2001. He began driving again for Mercedes-Benz (McLaren's engine partner) in DTM (German touring cars), but Hakkinen's been seen getting in and out of the cockpit of McLaren formula race cars several times this year, leading to speculation that he could be coming back to drive for McLaren.

The rumors could very well be true. McLaren's two drivers have both left the team: Kimi Raikkonen (another talented Finnish driver) to Ferrari and Juan Pablo Montoya for NASCAR. World champ Fernando Alonso joins the McLaren line-up for next year, but the team has yet to announce their second driver. Test driver Pedro de la Rosa could get the job; so could protégé Lewis Hamilton. But some have speculated that McLaren chief Ron Dennis would rather go with a tested-and-true champion like Hakkinen. (Another interesting piece to the puzzle is Hakkinen's recent appointment by McLaren sponsor Johnnie Walker as its ambassador for responsible driving.)

Mika and Ron are known to have stayed close even after Hakkinen's retirement, opening the door to a number of alternative explanations: Mika might have simply gotten the urge to drive an F1 car again, for nostalgia. Ron might have asked Mika to give his old team some developmental feedback on the car while they wait for Alonso to be released from his Renault contract. Or maybe, just maybe, Dennis is trying to keep Pedro and Lewis on their toes with the mere suggestion that neither one of them is guaranteed the seat (and doing a damn fine job at it, too).

Hakkinen might be pushing 38, but he was widely regarded as Schumacher's greatest rival (including by Michael himself). And who knows what Mika might accomplish with Schumi now retired.

[Source: - v nadaljevanju]


NOVEMBER 22, 2006
A possible explanation for Hakkinen rumours

The rumours that Mika Hakkinen might make a comeback with McLaren are rather odd. It is hard to believe that McLaren would go down that route when the team has a hotshoe like Lewis Hamilton, who would be signed up within minutes if he was on the open market. And the other car belongs to Fernando Alonso, so there is no chance of Mika taking that one.

So what is going on?

The team has an experienced test driver in Pedro de la Rosa but there is always a chance that McLaren might turn to Hakkinen to ask him to try out the cars and see how they can be developed. Alexander Wurz was an established testing expert with an engineering background and so his move to Williams was definitely a loss to the team. Perhaps Hakkinen might be called in to do occasional tests to sort out problems - and at the same time keep the regular drivers on their toes.

It may not even be as complicated as that. Ron Dennis and Mika Hakkinen have enjoyed a very close relationship for more than 10 years and it may be that Mika just wants to try a Formula 1 car one more time and Ron is happy to do it for old time's sake.

Objavljeno: Pe nov 24, 2006 4:23 pm
Napisal/-a esem
Hamilton rules!

24ur je napisal/-a:Prvi temnopolti dirkač v F1
Hamilton bo v prihodnji sezoni formule 1 ob Alonsu drugi voznik McLarna ter prvi temnopoltni voznik v zgodovini.

London | 24.11.2006 | STA
Britanec Lewis Hamilton bo v prihodnji sezoni formule 1 ob Fernandu Alonsu drugi voznik McLarna, je danes objavilo angleško moštvo. Enaindvajsetletni Hamilton bo prvi temnopolti voznik v zgodovini tega športa. Tudi dvakratni svetovni prvak Alonso bo v sezoni 2007 novinec v moštvu McLarna, kamor je prestopil iz Renaulta.

Lewis HamiltonSlikaPrince Charles se je leta 1999 ob obisku McLarna pogovarjal s 14-letnim Lewisom Hamiltonom, ki je takrat še vozil gokart

"Uresničile so se mi sanje. Dirkanje za McLaren je bilo zame največji cilj že, ko sem bil majhen deček in ta novica je izvrsten konec odlične sezone," je dejal Hamilton, ki je v pretekli sezoni prepričljivo zmagal v seriji GP2, ki poteka v okviru formule 1. Britanec z afro-karibskimi koreninami se je leta 1998 pridružil McLarnovemu programu za mlade, tako da podpis pogodbe ni presenetljiv.

"Zavedam se, da je to velik izziv. Vem, da bom deležen velike pozornosti, toda v moštvu so mi rekli, naj se sprostim," je še dejal novi ljubljenec britanskega tiska, ki bo naslednji teden začel s testiranji v Barceloni.

Objavljeno: So nov 25, 2006 3:53 am
Napisal/-a esem
Nezasluženi zaslužkar Sato

Takuma Sato earns the big bucks

Posted Nov 24th 2006 7:26PM by Noah Joseph
You may be shocked and startled to find out that Takuma Sato is among the highest-paid drivers in F1. This despite his dismal driving record, reputation as an irresponsible driver, and inability to hold on to his race seat without protection from his patrons at Honda.

Factoring in his salary from perennial backmarkers Super Aguri, plus his sponsorship contracts – which we'd assume would be substantial given Japan's love of F1 and Sato's standing as Japan's premier racing driver – Takuma pulled in an estimated $7.7 million in 2006. His new team-mate at Super Aguri, meanwhile, will be paid about $250,000 – barely a fraction of Sato's earnings.

That kind of dough puts Takuma in the same earning bracket as world champion Fernando Alonso and ahead of his old team-mate Jenson Button, among many, many other well-reputed drivers.

At this point, Autoblog would like to welcome Super Aguri to hire any member of our writing staff. There are several of us who'd be glad to crash a whole bunch of cars for you for a lot less than $7.7 million!

[Source: F1i]


Objavljeno: So nov 25, 2006 8:24 am
Napisal/-a sport
Moj podpis pove dosti

Objavljeno: Ne nov 26, 2006 1:41 pm
Napisal/-a andrej777
sport je napisal/-a:Moj podpis pove dosti

WAU....... res izvirno in čist neotročje. Ti si frajer.

Aja pa kje je tle kakšno novica????

Objavljeno: Po nov 27, 2006 1:33 pm
Napisal/-a meganeman
Pravi dolgcajt v času ko ni dirk F1:) škoda da niso le-te skozi vse leto vendar na vsake 2-3 tedne, da se vmes da kaj pomenit, ne pa da si full hiter sledijo. Še prve ne prediskutiraš pa je že druga na vrsti.

Objavljeno: Po nov 27, 2006 7:44 pm
Napisal/-a speedfight
Pa še malo o odličnosti Renault F1 teama in Alonsa...


Renault R26 za muzej
Sezona formule ena 2006 ni prinesla samo drugega naslova za Fernanda Alonsa, Španec je namreč vse dirke odpeljal z eno in isto šasijo

Dvojno drži bolje: Moštva formule ena ponavadi izdelajo osem šasij na posamezno sezono, ki jih uporabijo na dirkah in testiranjih. Prav tako je običaj, da dirkači redno menjavajo šasije, z namenom, da imajo dirkalnik, ki bazira na novih in modernih šasijah.

To pomeni tudi, da v današnjih časih nobena šasija ne opravi celotne sezone. Na primer leta 2004 je Fernando Alonso uporabil tri različne šasije s številkami R24-02, R24-06 in R24-07. Prva menjave je bila vezana na škodo, ki je nastala na enem izmed dirkaških vikendov. Druga menjava je sledila zaradi tega, ker so v moštvu imeli na koncu sezone na razpolago novo in lažjo šasijo.

V sezoni 2006 pa je Alosno s šasijo R26-03 opravil vse dirke. Zmagovita šasija iz ogljikovih vlaken je zapustila tovarno v Enstonu 7. februarja 2006, 33 dni pred dirkaškim debijem - in zmago v Bahrajnu.

Po treh dneh na testni mizi in razvojnih delih je šasija krenila na pot v Barcelono, kjer so se od 22. do 24. februarja odvijala zadnja testiranja pred začetkom sezone. Na teh testiranjih je "št. 3" opravila skupaj 1.391 testnih kilometrov, vse z isto specifikacijo motorja RS26-V8.

Ta testiranja so predstavljala edino vožnjo te šasije izven dirkaških vikendov. V prvi polovici sezone (z začetno zmago v Bahrajnu) je Alonso s svojo "stalno" šasijo osvojil kar 84 točk od 90-ih možnih – in povrhu končal vsako dirko.

Ko se je v Braziliji na zadnji dirki še enkrat okronal z naslovom prvaka, ga je šasija "št. 3" obdarila s 134 točkami in drugim naslovom svetovnega prvaka. Na poti do sem je Alonso nabral sedem zmag, šest pole pozicij, pet najhitrejših krogov na dirki in skupaj 14 uvrstitev na stopničke. Od maksimalno mogočih 1.137 dirkalnih krogov, jih je Alonso opravil kar 1.108, kar znaša neverjetnih 97 odstotkov. Odstopil je samo v Monzi (deset krogov pred koncem dirke) in v Budimpešti (19 krogov pred koncem).

Še več: Vztrajna šasija je bila tudi največkrat v vodstvu na dirkah – dlje, kot bilo kateri drugi dirkalnik. To je tudi logično, saj je Alonso nabraj največ krogov, v katerih je vodil. Na poti do svojih sedmih zmag je šasija "št. 3" kar 463 krat ali 41 odstotkov vseh možnih krogov, kot prva prečkala ciljno črto.

Na testiranjih in vseh dirkah sezone 2006 je šasija R26-03 nabrala natančno 11.317 kilometrov in na svojih "ramenih" nosila enajst različnih motorjev: deset med sezono, enega pa za testiranja v Barceloni. Motorji predstavljajo vse uporabljene različice: RS26 A/B/C/D. Sicer pa je zmagoviti dirkalnik med sezono prejel tudi deset svežih lakiranj.

Ta, v tolikih bitkah zmagovita šasija dirkalnika, ima sedaj pred seboj mirno starost – v zgodovinski zbirki Renaulta v Parizu bo namreč dobila svoje častno mesto.

8) :o 8)


Objavljeno: To dec 05, 2006 8:08 am
Napisal/-a esem
Autosport nagrade - vse - tu

Alonso beats Schumi one last time: 2006 Autosport Awards announced

Posted Dec 4th 2006 6:33PM by John Neff
Autosport claims its 2006 Autosport Awards is motor sport's biggest night of the year. We won't touch that claim, but we will bring you some of the more interesting award recipients. Perhaps the most controversial one is the award for International Racing Driver. Dubbed as the last showdown between the god-like Michael Schumacher who has since retired from racing and the brash, young Fernando Alonso, the award was given to Alonso, which seemed only fitting since the Spaniard nabbed the F1 Driver's Championship from Schumacher at the tail end of the Ferrari pilot's final season of racing. The Pioneering and Innovation Award was given to the diesel-powered Audi R10 that dominated the 12 Hours of Sebring, 24 Hours of Le Mans and the American Le Mans Series, despite the latter organizers' attempts to hold back Audi's pair of oil burners in the face of competition that just couldn't keep up. The R10, however, did not win the Racing Car of the Year Award, which went to Fernando Alonso's ride, the Renault R26. The Rally Car of the Year Award likewise went to the ride that captured that sport's Manufacturer's Championship, the Ford Focus. Follow the Read link to see what other awards were presented and who walked away with honors at the 2006 Autosport Awards.

[Source: Autosport]


Objavljeno: Sr dec 06, 2006 8:27 am
Napisal/-a esem
FIA confirm 2007 entry list

04 December 2006
Formula One racing’s governing body, the FIA, has published the official entry list for the 2007 world championship.

Toro Rosso are the only team not to have confirmed either race driver. They are currently using 2006 drivers Vitantonio Liuzzi and Scott Speed for winter testing, with both men hoping to retain their seats for next season. Spyker MF1 have so far confirmed only Christijan Albers.

The full entry list of constructors and drivers is as follows:

McLaren Mercedes
1 Fernando Alonso (E)
2 Lewis Hamilton (GB)

3 Giancarlo Fisichella (I)
4 Heikki Kovalained (FIN)

5 Felipe Massa (BR)
6 Kimi Raikkonen (FIN)

7 Jenson Button (GB)
8 Rubens Barrichello (BR)

9 Nick Heidfeld (D)
10 Robert Kubica (PL)

11 Ralf Schumacher (D)
12 Jarno Trulli (I)

Red Bull Renault
14 David Coulthard (GB)
15 Mark Webber (AUS)

Williams Toyota
16 Nico Rosberg (D)
17 Alex Wurz (A)

STR Ferrari
18 TBA
19 TBA

Spyker Ferrari
20 Christijan Albers (NL)
21 TBA

Super Aguri Honda
22 Takuma Sato (J)
23 Anthony Davidson (GB)

Objavljeno: Sr dec 06, 2006 6:38 pm
Napisal/-a Doc_
u zanimivo... kimi št.6 :lol:

Objavljeno: Če dec 07, 2006 10:58 pm
Napisal/-a esem
V spomin na šampiona video iz Suzuke za volanom Honde NSX-R. Tri kamere, poleg ceste še volan in pedala. ... in-an-nsx/

Objavljeno: Če dec 07, 2006 11:23 pm
Napisal/-a samekk
v suknjuču in čeveljcih :shock:
tip legenda v pravem pomenu besede :clapclap

Objavljeno: Če dec 07, 2006 11:45 pm
Napisal/-a Eddis
samekk je napisal/-a:v suknjuču in čeveljcih :shock:
tip legenda v pravem pomenu besede :clapclap

Se dobr da ma bele nogavicke da se je lepo vidlo delovanje nog
Drgac pa kapo dol za take voznike :!:

Objavljeno: Če dec 07, 2006 11:46 pm
Napisal/-a _B3yBo_
:bow sam to se mu lahko.....r.i.p.

Objavljeno: To dec 12, 2006 7:05 am
Napisal/-a esem

Objavljeno: To dec 12, 2006 7:08 am
Napisal/-a esem
Raikkonen to make a million a week

Posted Dec 11th 2006 1:03PM by Frank Filipponio
As the New Year approaches, it's easy to let our thoughts turn to the new racing season ahead. New seasons bring equipment and regulations changes, new venues and a few spiffed up old ones added to the schedule; manufacturers getting into new forms of motorsports; and some calling it quits. New seasons also mean personnel changes in most series.

Nowhere is this more closely followed than in the racing soap opera that is Formula 1. With astronomical budgets and such a small group of teams, it's easy to get caught up in the comings and goings of every driver. The biggest news from last year was the retirement of seven-time champion Michael Schummacher from Ferrari and the repeat driver's title for Renault's Fernando Alonso. It was a compelling title fight down to the last couple of races, but in the end the young and hugely talented Spaniard prevailed.

Whether cause or effect, the departure of MS from Ferrari left a huge void in the team, one that will hopefully be filled by the signing of the super talented Finn, Kimi Raikkonen. Admiring his brilliance while piloting the somewhat inferior McLaren the last few years, Ferrari made the decision to nab him and make him their new number one. For that privilege, Ferrari will be spending the tidy sum of $1 MILLION a week for calendar year 2007. OK, that's a slight exaggeration. According to Swiss newspaper Blick, the driver's salary for '07 will be $51m. That, folks, is reported to be $16 million more than Alonso will get to fill Raikkonen's vacated seat at McLaren. Not too bad for the fun-loving Finn.

[Source: Belfast Telegraph]

Objavljeno: To dec 12, 2006 7:12 am
Napisal/-a esem
Marco Andretti to test-drive in F1

Posted Dec 11th 2006 10:39AM by Noah Joseph
Marco is set to become the third Andretti to get behind the wheel of an F1 car as he heads to the Jerez test track on Friday. The son of former McLaren driver Michael Andretti and grandson of the legendary F1 champ Mario Andretti, Marco has become a rising star in motorsports, named IRL rookie of the year.

Marco will test for Honda, whose engines power the Indy car he races. But that doesn't mean he'll be making the jump to F1 quite so quickly. He's contracted to Andretti Green Racing for the next two seasons, though somehow we can't imagine his dad holding him to it if Marco had a shot at moving up to the big leagues. But at 19, the youngest race winner in IRL history (short as it is), Marco's got plenty of time to dominate in Indy cars before switching to F1.

Still, just the idea of a third-generation Andretti coming anywhere near Formula One is an exciting notion. With Scott Speed just barely getting by in a back-marker team, F1 struggling to thrive with the US audience, and Honda competing with Toyota for the mantle of "most American" of Japanese carmakers, an exciting American driver behind the wheel of a Honda F1 car could be just what the doctor ordered.


Objavljeno: To dec 12, 2006 9:26 am
Napisal/-a Lesane Parish Crooks
Eddis je napisal/-a:
samekk je napisal/-a:v suknjuču in čeveljcih :shock:
tip legenda v pravem pomenu besede :clapclap

Se dobr da ma bele nogavicke da se je lepo vidlo delovanje nog
Drgac pa kapo dol za take voznike :!:

pravi šampion!