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VW (VAG) - Splošno o prihodnosti

Napisal/-a esem Sr nov 08, 2006 12:33 am

V VW padajo največje glave - zakaj, bomo pa še zvedeli. Lastniki niso zadovoljni z dobički od golfa 5? Nekateri domnevajo, da gre za nesoglasja glede povezav VW/MAN/Scania. Seveda ima tudi Piech prste zraven. Novi šef je sedanji šef Audija.
Za nekatere bo zanimivo, da je novi šef neuspešno predlagal pozicioniranje Audija kot znamke športnih avtov s pogoni zadaj (+AWD). To bi kot šef zdaj lahko speljal.
Autoblog je napisal/-a:VW CEO steps down, Audi exec steps up

Posted Nov 7th 2006 4:51PM by Damon Lavrinc
Volkswagen's CEO, Bernd Pischetsrieder will resign by the end of the year to make room for Audi's head, Martin Winterkorn. The move came as a surprise, as VW's board voted to extend Pischetsrieder's contract through 2012.

The soon-to-be-former CEO has been with VW since 2000, succeeding Ferdinand Piech who stepped down in 2002. Supposedly, Pischetsrieder will be taking on "special assignments" after his departure.

We're unsure about why this move is taking place, so we'll be scouring the web for rumors and conjecture in the meantime.

[Source: Automotive News – Sub. Req.]

Zadnjič spremenil esem, dne To dec 04, 2007 5:02 pm, skupaj popravljeno 1 krat.
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Napisal/-a Mate Sr nov 08, 2006 9:01 am

Zanimivo tole.

Predlog da bi Audi začel nekaj z zadnjim pogonom je pa za moje pojme zelo slab, ker Audi že ima svojo tržno nišo in ugled s quattro pogonom in ni čisto nobene potrebe, da hoče postati "BMW".
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Napisal/-a Jeaka Sr nov 08, 2006 10:20 am

Men se tut zdi tale ideja z zadnjim pogonom slaba , ker imajo že od nekdaj spredn pogon in quattro.
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Napisal/-a MacTron Sr nov 08, 2006 12:30 pm

Jeaka je napisal/-a:ker imajo že od nekdaj spredn pogon in quattro.

od nekdaj niti ne... od leta 1980 s predstavitvijo
oz. 1981 z masovno proizvodnjo je pa to registrirana znamka Audi AG-ja
tole z zadnjim pogonon - ne hvala :|
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Napisal/-a alfaromeo155 Če nov 09, 2006 7:13 am

toe z zadnim pogonom pri avdiju je pa cist mim
love alfa
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Napisal/-a meganeman Če nov 09, 2006 10:05 am

A ma ker stevilke kok golfov 5 so prodali do sedaj pr nas v Sloveniji? Se mi zdi, da je folk mal zacel zgubljat na zaupanju pr novih avtih in raje vozi preizkusene kot pa tanove s polno elektronke? OK, razn starih fotrov ko menjajo za vsak nov model ko pride ven:).
I have a need, the need for speed! Meganeman over and out...
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Napisal/-a esem Če nov 09, 2006 2:20 pm

samo špekulacija ?

Did Porsche, Piech punt VW CEO?

Posted Nov 9th 2006 7:54AM by Stuart Waterman
The surprise resignation of Volkswagen CEO Bernd Pischetsrieder may have been orchestrated by VW Chairman Ferdinand Piech (grandson of Ferdinand Porsche) and major VW shareholder, Porsche.

Analysts have long speculated that Piech was grooming Audi CEO Martin Winterkorn as Pischetsrieder's replacement, while Porsche's 20-percent holding in VW saw Porsche CEO Wendelin Wiedeking gain a seat on the VW supervisory board, alongside Porsche's CFO.

Tuesday's move has analysts speculating that Porsche may expand its influence over VW by increasing its stake enough to gain a third board seat, with some investment bankers going so far as to suggest that Porsche may attempt to buy VW outright, or to swap its stake in VW for control of Audi.

[Source: Automotive News - reg. required]
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Pridružen: Sr apr 06, 2005 10:55 am

Napisal/-a Falco' Če nov 09, 2006 2:41 pm

to, da se golf 5 prodaja slabo me niti ne preseneča, saj ima konkurenca boljše avte, pa za enak denar dobiš že avtomobil razred višje od golfa.

glede zadnjega pogona in audija pa...naj to pusti profesionalcem - BMWju. ;)
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Napisal/-a esem To nov 14, 2006 12:18 am

Kako torej?

Autoblog je napisal/-a:Big Wig to Big Rig: Pischetsrieder to oversee truck merger

Posted Nov 13th 2006 7:34PM by Noah Joseph
The earliest reports on the "resignation" of Volkswagen group CEO Bernd Pischetsrieder indicated that while he'd be replaced as chief executive, he would be retained to take on "special assignments". What such ambiguous duties might entail was a mystery, but it's looking like he may be put in charge of managing a merger between two major European truck companies.

MAN has been maneuvering to buy out Scania with offers over $13 billion, but the Swedish company has been fighting to maintain its independence from the Germans (sound familiar?). Volkswagen AG happens to be the largest shareholder of both companies.

At the moment, Volkswagen is neither confirming nor denying the reports of Pischetsrieder's potential re-assignment. The supervisory board is due to meet on November 17, when they'll make their decision, so we'll just have to sit tight until then.

[Source: Automotive News – sub. req.]


nove usmeritve?

Autoblog je napisal/-a:New VW chief to create PAG-like group for luxury marques

Posted Nov 13th 2006 4:48PM by Noah Joseph
The latest news in the regime change at Volkswagen is that incoming group chief Prof. Martin Winterkorn is planning some big changes in management structure across the entire corporate spectrum.

Although several don't operate in the US market, Volkswagen AG has grown to GM-like proportions in the number of marques under its umbrella. However, rather unlike GM and other auto-making conglomerates, Volkswagen group members don't cooperate as much in the development of new products. (The Volkswagen and Audi brands, for instance, will often develop separate vehicles with different engines, sometimes even competing against each other, but which could be combined into one project.) As Audi chief, Winterkorn can't have been happy to see Volkswagen stealing any of its market share.

Winterkorn plans on changing all that, placing the group's marques into two categories: volume and premium. Like Ford's Premier Automotive Group (which includes Volvo, Land Rover, Jaguar and Aston Martin), VW's new "premium" group will include Audi, Bentley, Lamborghini and Bugatti, while the "volume" group will include Volkswagen, Seat and Skoda. All this should mean better products offered in more packages at lower costs with reduced development times. And that's something any car buyer could appreciate.

What else can we expect from Winterkorn? It's doubtful he'd be willing to throw as much resources behind Bugatti as did his predecessor, but as we can see from Audi's diesel-fueled domination at Le Mans, he evidently believes in the benefits of racing.

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Napisal/-a Slide To nov 14, 2006 7:38 pm

konec debate o kantah!

zadnji pogon pri boljšega :wink:
Itak bi še vedno lahko izbral quattro in je problem za tiste ki zadnjega pogona ne marajo rešen :D Jao...moje mokre sanje, Audi s svojo fenomenalno obliko in kakovostjo izdelave ampak z "BMW"-jevim pogonom... 8)
Fabrizio o profesionalcih pa raje ne bi...kljub temu da sem ljubitelj obeh bavarskih znamk ;)
Understeer is when the driver is scared, oversteer is when the passengers are scared
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Napisal/-a esem Sr nov 15, 2006 12:48 am

Saga se nadaljuje

Wolfgang Bernhard could leave VW if commitment doesn't come by Friday

Posted Nov 14th 2006 6:34PM by Frank Filipponio
Looks like Wolfgang Bernhard may have taken the appointment of Martin Winterkorn as future Volkswagen AG CEO personally. Reports are swirling that Bernhard is likely to step down soon. Newspapers are reporting today that VW has asked for a commitment from Bernhard by Friday. German business newspaper Handelsblatt said Bernhard had threatened as early as May to resign if Winterkorn became CEO.

This would be a pretty big loss for Volkswagen, as Bernhard is widely regarded as a savior for VW because of his efforts to cut costs in Germany. Some put Bernhard's contribution to Volkswagen's bottom line as high as $9 billion (7 billion euros) by 2008. That has come mainly as a result of restructured benefits and extended working hours for VW's 100,000 workers at its plants in western Germany.

This comes on the heels of last week's shakeup that saw the group's chief executive Bernd Pischetsrieder stepping down after a power struggle with VW chairman Ferdinand Piech. That resulted in the nomination of Audi CEO Martin Winterkorn as the new head of VW. Bernd has since been reassigned to the trucking arm of VAG.

[Sources: Reuters and Automotive News, sub req]

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Napisal/-a škoda Sr nov 15, 2006 7:19 am

<Drgač pa me prov zanima, če boste vi vplival na to odločitev. Močno dvomim da bo kdo vs poslušu! 8)
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Napisal/-a MacTron Sr nov 15, 2006 1:16 pm

Slide je napisal/-a:zadnji pogon pri boljšega :wink:
Itak bi še vedno lahko izbral quattro in je problem za tiste ki zadnjega pogona ne marajo rešen :D Jao...moje mokre sanje, Audi s svojo fenomenalno obliko in kakovostjo izdelave ampak z "BMW"-jevim pogonom... 8)

samo ves kaj se je ze zgodilo... BMW je naredu xDrive kar je 4 kolesni pogon
tudi oni so ze naredil na tem podrocju preskok... me pa cudi da ga bo tudi VW group
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Napisal/-a Falco' Sr nov 15, 2006 2:15 pm

Slide je napisal/-a:Fabrizio o profesionalcih pa raje ne bi...kljub temu da sem ljubitelj obeh bavarskih znamk ;)

imaš prav...tudi sam bi takrat pogledal še k Audiju. :D ;)
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Napisal/-a esem Po jan 29, 2007 8:36 pm

Prestrukturiranja v VAG-u se še kar vrstijo, Bernhard je odšel, da Silva pa je postal glavni za dizajn za cel koncern. Bolj zanimivo je to, da je en od šefov Wiedeking med vrsticami nakazal možnost prodaje Bugattija in Lamborghinija.

AutoCar je napisal/-a:VW may sell Bugatti, Lambo

11 January 2007
Volkswagen Group could dispose of its high-end supercar brands Bugatti and Lamborghini, according Porsche boss and VW supervisory board member Wendelin Wiedeking.

When asked about the fate of the two brands in an interview with an industry newspaper, Wiedeking is quoted as saying ‘no toys anymore’.

The move, which was flagged up as a possibility in an Autocar Analysis (3 January 2007), would help VW restructure its sprawling business and concentrate on reviving the VW brand as a true global player.

Wiedeking is also reportedly unhappy that Porsche is not the flagship brand in the group and has allegedly commissioned an ultra-high-performance Porsche supercar to break the top speed record set by the Bugatti Veyron.

Industry rumours suggest Bugatti could be downgraded to an ultra-exclusive coachbuilding operation once Veyron production is wound up.

Lamborghini, which sold over 2000 cars last year, could be sold off in the same way that Ford is currently disposing of Aston Martin.
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Napisal/-a esem Po jan 29, 2007 9:51 pm

VW bo kupil Proton in s tem tudi Lotusa
Popušilo jih je več, najbolj GM in PSA.

PS - pa imajo eno igračko več

Proton (and Lotus) to be sold to VW

26 January 2007
A majority stake in Proton is to be sold to Volkswagen, according to Asian business reports, passing control not only of the Malaysian state-owned car-maker to VW, but also of British sports car-maker Lotus.

Autocar's sources suggest that VW is to take a 51 per cent stake in Proton, which it will confirm in an announcement to the press on February 8. Proton, in turn, has owned an 80 per cent stake of Group Lotus, the company within which Lotus Cars operates, since 1996. The sale would therefore leave Hethel's best-known brand firmly under the control of Wolfsburg from now on.

The sale of Proton has been mooted since the middle of last year. Various bidders have been linked with its acquisition, including General Motors and PSA Peugeot-Citroen.

The implications that the sale might have for Lotus will remain unclear until the sale is made public.
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Napisal/-a TITan Po jan 29, 2007 11:08 pm

Škoda lotusa :evil:
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Napisal/-a esem Sr feb 14, 2007 6:20 am

Šef bi mel Bugattija
Novi šef VW je zanikal možnost prodaje Lamba in Bugattija, o kateri se je špekuliralo pred kratkim. Pravi, da razvoj Lamborghinija in Bugattija pomaga pri razvoju ostale palete, npr pri aerodinamiki, kjer primerja Veyrona z Jumbo Jetom. Grandiozno razmišljanje?

Autocar je napisal/-a:VW to keep supercar brands

13 February 2007
Martin Winterkorn has moved to dispel rumours sweeping through automotive industry financial circles suggesting that Volkswagen was preparing to sell off Bugatti and Lamborghini. The new VW Group boss told German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung that 'development in the upper segments undertaken by Lamborghini and Bugatti had been advantageous for all the other brands under the German car maker’s control.'

Winterkorn said Volkswagen’s engineers had learned a great deal through Bugatti, not least of all in the area of aerodynamics. 'A jumbo jet takes off at 250kmh, whereas a Bugatti remains safely on the ground at 400kmh,' he pointed out, adding the revived French marque had built, as planned, 50 Veyrons last year. The newly-installed Volkswagen Group boss also confirmed Lamborghini had sold 2078 cars in 2006, in what he described as a 'four-fold increase' since the celebrated Italian supercar-maker was purchased by Volkswagen’s upmarket Audi division in 2001.

Speculation has been rife in recent weeks that majority shareholder Porsche had begun pressuring Volkswagen supervisory board members to consider off-loading Bugatti and Lamborghini. However, Winterkorn’s comments seem to suggest that is unlikely.

Greg Kable
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Napisal/-a esem Sr feb 14, 2007 6:28 am

Nove "špekulacije", ki kažejo vsaj na to, da se tudi novi šef zaveda bornega dizajna VW modelov. Žal bodo tudi VW poenotili, kot so že Audije (ki jih verjetno ne razloči niti mama Silva). Si bosta Winterkorn in De Silva res privoščila zamik uvedbe novih modelov (plus večje stroške)?

Winding Road je napisal/-a:VW Afire With Delay Rumors: Tiguan, Passat Coupe, Golf, Scirocco Headed Back To Drawing Board?

Automotive News February 13th, 2007 3:46 PM
Volkswagen’s new chairman Martin Winterkorn isn’t happy about the company’s product pipeline, and according to reports, he’s sending some of the automaker’s most pivotal products back to the drawing board. Among those being scrutinized are the Tiguan, Passat Coupe, Scirocco, and next-generation Golf/Rabbit.

According to a print-only article in UK publication Autocar (volume 251, No 5), the Passat Coupe four-door was scheduled to be unveiled in concept form at next month’s Geneva Motor Show, with a production model introduction at this fall’s Los Angeles Auto Show. An on-sale date was planned for mid-2008. But now, that schedule looks to have been pushed back a bit, as the model is now expected to receive a redesign before getting the green light, if indeed it sees production at all.

Arguably more shocking is that the Tiguan and Scirocco are facing delays. Both offerings were scheduled for showrooms within the next 12 months, with VW already previewing both models in showcar form (Concept Tiguan and IROC). While the latter’s wishy-wash coupe/hatchback styling drew criticism for being too close to the company’s other offerings (GTI and Audi A3, namely), the Tiguan appeared to have been well received, although spy shots of seemingly production-ready mules evinced a much more timid look. In the end, Autocar reports that the crossover’s “conservative styling” may be holding up the show.

Finally, the sixth-generation Golf, which was originally planned for a 2009 launch (which means that America probably wouldn’t see it until 2011!) is being given a second look, as VW is keen to reduce the car’s cost. The current car is widely regarded as being expensive-to-build, so VW hopes to cut production time from 44 hours to just 36, all while improving reliability and quality.

Pa še originalen članek s povdarkom na VW kupeju in s citati VW šefov

Autocar je napisal/-a:VW's new models go back to drawing board

01 February 2007
Volkswagen is sending four of its most important new models back to the drawing board as part of new chairman Martin Winterkorn’s fresh management regime, and the forthcoming Passat coupe, Slika pictured, is the first victim of the changes. The new coupe, which was to be unveiled at a gala presentation in Berlin on 15 February, has been placed on hold following a detailed product evaluation ordered by Winterkorn.

The Scirocco and Tiguan — both of which have already been revealed in concept form and which were due to go on sale within the next 12 months — are being reworked, as well as next year’s new sixth-generation Golf.

Winterkorn is said to be disappointed with the Tiguan, while VW’s new head of vehicle development Ulrich Hackenberg said he has already identified several areas where the next Golf can be improved.
All of the cars delayed were conceived during the reign of Wolfgang Bernhard, whose last official day as boss of the VW brand was yesterday.

New VW Group boss Winterkorn wants to replace the different front-end treatments on the new cars with a more uniform appearance, and as a result, VW’s head of design Murat Günak, responsible for the Scirocco, has been replaced by Audi’s design chief Walter de’Silva.

A Bernd offering

The Passat coupé, along with the Scirocco and Tiguan, was conceived as part of a multi-million Euro niche model offensive created under former chairman Bernd Pischetsrieder. The cars were meant to lessen VW’s financial dependence on traditional volume models such as the Golf, while pushing it into new market segments and exposing it to new customers.

The Passat Coupé was originally going to be revealed to the public as a concept at the Geneva motor show in March, with the production version to be unveiled at the Los Angeles motor show in November. “We were all set to present the CC (Volkswagen’s internal codename for the new car, denoting C-segment Coupé), but its future is now up in the air,” said a high-ranking insider.

With Winterkorn determined to make his mark at Volkswagen after steering sister company Audi to record sales and profits in recent years, it remains unclear whether the Passat coupé will ever see the light of day. However, with development and preparations to produce the car at Volkswagen’s Emden plant in Germany already underway, cancelling it at this late stage could prove costly.

Which way now?

Winterkorn says he has a clear vision for Volkswagen. “We’re in the process of evaluating the entire business,” he said. “It will take some time before we can move forward with decisions on new products.”

Since taking over at VW, Winterkorn has surrounded himself with familiar faces from Audi, including Ulrich Hackenberg (vehicle development), Walter de’Silva (design), Wolfgang Hatz (engine development), Matthias Müller (product planning) and Jochem Heizmann (production).

Greg Kable
Zadnjič spremenil esem, dne Sr feb 14, 2007 7:02 am, skupaj popravljeno 3 krat.
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Napisal/-a 4m4t3r Sr feb 14, 2007 6:48 am

Fabrizio je napisal/-a:to, da se golf 5 prodaja slabo me niti ne preseneča, saj ima konkurenca boljše avte, pa za enak denar dobiš že avtomobil razred višje od golfa.

glede zadnjega pogona in audija pa...naj to pusti profesionalcem - BMWju. ;)

nevem če bo audi pal tak nizko :twisted:
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