urosch je napisal/-a:A bo vsebina time attack-a povezana z igrico Grid?
Edmunds.com je napisal/-a:Mitsubishi made a decision when developing its Evo X to go upscale. No longer was it good enough to kick Subaru's ass. Now it wanted to go after the big players in the sport sedan market.
malisport je napisal/-a:Tudi vremenska napoved je obetavna. Sončno in do 15*C. Ampak do takrat je še daleč.
Edmunds.com je napisal/-a:Mitsubishi made a decision when developing its Evo X to go upscale. No longer was it good enough to kick Subaru's ass. Now it wanted to go after the big players in the sport sedan market.
Silvio je napisal/-a:Spet bo letel
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