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Pridružen: To jan 30, 2007 1:47 pm
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F1 GP Monaco

Napisal/-a adis Če maj 22, 2008 8:53 am


Čet 22 Maj 2008
četrt. trening 1 10:00 - 11:30
četrt. trening 2 14:00 - 15:30
Sob 24 Maj 2008
sobotni trening 11:00 - 12:00
kvalifikacije 14:00
Ned 25 Maj 2008
dirka 14:00

Monte Carlo
datum dirke: 25 Maj 2008
število krogov: 78
dolžina kroga: 3.340 km
dolžina dirke: 260.520 km
rekord proge: 1:14.439 - M Schumacher (2004)

Prenos signala F1: četrtek
10:00 Formel 1: Großer Preis von Monaco
14:00 Formel 1: Großer Preis von Monaco
20:00 Formel 1: Großer Preis von Monaco
14:30 Formel 1: Großer Preis von Monaco
vir: http://www.formula1.com
monaco gp 2007.jpg
vir: http://www.formula1.com
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Poznavalec foruma
Prispevkov: 1768
Pridružen: So sep 03, 2005 12:40 pm

Napisal/-a FBR Če maj 22, 2008 9:36 am

Vsaka čast za objavo prenosov.... ravnokar gledam na DSF-u... ;)
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 8095
Pridružen: To jan 30, 2007 1:47 pm
Kraj: Ljubljana

Napisal/-a adis Če maj 22, 2008 10:01 am

FBR je napisal/-a:Vsaka čast za objavo prenosov.... ravnokar gledam na DSF-u... ;)

ni panike :P
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Poznavalec foruma
Prispevkov: 1526
Pridružen: To jun 26, 2007 8:36 am

Napisal/-a a_sist Če maj 22, 2008 10:02 am

Alonso napoveduje presenečenje. Mogoče ima zarad specifike dirkališča celo prav. Sploh če bi še dež padal ( da se vloga bolida še bolj izniči).. Drgač pa upam da bo kimi spet raztural sceno ;)
Uporabniški avatar
Poznavalec foruma
Prispevkov: 1933
Pridružen: To apr 01, 2008 9:45 am
Kraj: koroška

Napisal/-a hribko Če maj 22, 2008 1:53 pm

jaz pa še vedno upam da se bo mclaren zbudil iz zimskega spanja-bil bi že čas :?
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Prispevkov: 8095
Pridružen: To jan 30, 2007 1:47 pm
Kraj: Ljubljana

Napisal/-a adis Če maj 22, 2008 3:52 pm

hribko je napisal/-a:jaz pa še vedno upam da se bo mclaren zbudil iz zimskega spanja-bil bi že čas :?

upanje umira zadnje :lol:

današnji treningi:
prosti trening 1.jpg
vir: http://www.formula1.com
prosti trening 2.jpg
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Prispevkov: 1132
Pridružen: Po nov 05, 2007 9:18 pm

Napisal/-a berlonso Če maj 22, 2008 4:00 pm

lih sm brau da Alonso upa da bo presenetu samo se ne vidi favorita. upa da se bo lahko boru za stopničke kr mu tudi jst prvoščm. favorit j Mclaren po njegovo.
Uporabniški avatar
Poznavalec foruma
Prispevkov: 1933
Pridružen: To apr 01, 2008 9:45 am
Kraj: koroška

Napisal/-a hribko Če maj 22, 2008 4:04 pm


upanje umira zadnje :lol:

:D upam da nebo sezone prej konec,lani smo že tudi imeli skoraj naslov v žepu
in potem :shock:

DAJMO NAŠI-mclaren
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Prispevkov: 8095
Pridružen: To jan 30, 2007 1:47 pm
Kraj: Ljubljana

Napisal/-a adis Če maj 22, 2008 7:35 pm

da še malo popestrim temo ;)
nekaj izbranih citatov dirkačev glede proge v monacu:

Thursday practice - selected driver quotes

Lewis Hamilton, McLaren (1st, 1m 15.140s):
"I simply love Monaco and enjoy every single moment I get to spend on the track. The car felt great almost immediately and I was able to show a good pace from the very beginning. As the circuit evolved throughout both practice sessions we made some good progress with both the set-up and tyre evaluation. I spent the first session on the same set of tyres. There is a long way to go, but I enjoy this so much and we will work hard to continue making progress."

Nico Rosberg, Williams (2nd, +0.393s):
“First of all, it’s really nice to be driving here again because it’s just a really fun track. I was looking forward to this weekend because I thought we were going to have a good car here and it now looks like we’ve arrived with a good set-up. I was going well all day and felt comfortable in the car. I am also able to push quite hard so I’m hoping that I can keep it up do a good job in qualifying and then have a good race. We worked on a few set-up variants today. We didn’t finish the session using our optimum set-up, but we know where we need to go and we still have some reserves up our sleeves, so I am pretty happy with how things are looking.”

Kimi Raikkonen, Ferrari (3rd, +0.432s):
"I would say this was a normal day of free practice. We went quite well, especially on used tyres in the morning. But we struggled a bit to do a time on new tyres in the second session and now we have to look at the data carefully to understand how to improve. There is plenty of time to do that and so I am not particularly worried, at least at the moment. A wet race? It would make matters complicated but it would be the same for everyone."

Felipe Massa, Ferrari (4th, +0.729):
"Our rivals are very strong here, even allowing for the unknown factor of fuel loads. I wasn't able to do a good lap on the soft tyres, but things went well on the hard ones: we have to study the situation calmly and try to get all the details right. If we compare today with the same time last year, I think we have made a step forward. We have changed the settings on the car compared to the past and now we hope we will see the benefits of this choice."

Heikki Kovalainen, McLaren (5th, +0.741s):
"A positive start to the Monaco Grand Prix weekend, and I am confident there is still more to come. Towards the end of the second session when I put on a new set of tyres we had made some set-up changes which were not as positive as we thought they would be. In addition I wasn't pleased with my lap, so I am confident that we will continue to improve in Saturday’s practice session. It’s always great to drive around this track, and it’s almost impossible to describe what it feels like. I can’t wait for the rest of the Monaco Grand Prix."

Robert Kubica, BMW Sauber (6th, +1.156s):
“The two practice sessions were quite okay today. It was a very busy Thursday and we covered a lot of laps. We now have to see how we can improve the car for Saturday.”

Fernando Alonso, Renault (7th, +1.170s):
"Overall the two sessions have gone well for us. The track was very dirty this morning, but we made good progress with our programme and the car reacted well to the changes we made. We seem to be on the pace in the long runs, but we must now improve our performance over a single lap because qualifying here is vital. That is where we will put our efforts."

Jenson Button, Honda (8th, +1.211s):
It's always very exciting to be back in Monaco and out on track for the first day of running. We had two good opening sessions and I had a reasonable balance right from the start, particularly on the harder tyre. This afternoon has really been about getting the long runs in, getting used to the balance and making some improvements. We have a lot of useful information from the two sessions today, however as always there is still work to do. We are not quite where we would like to be yet, and as qualifying does not take place until Saturday, I have plenty of time to work with the engineers. I'm confident that we will be in a good position for qualifying and also well prepared for any changes in the weather conditions."

Nick Heidfeld, BMW Sauber (11th, +1.286s):
“In the first session I realized the engine was losing power, so then looked to find a good spot to stop. Of course the failure cost us running time and data, but we still managed to make several changes to the car for the second session. It was a general improvement. Taking into account it is Monaco, I would say my car is very driveable.”

Mark Webber, Red Bull (13th, +1.954s):
“We got through all our programme, but there is still some work to do, assuming we are looking at a dry qualifying and a dry race. At the moment the car is not suiting the track that well, but we know what we need to do to sort it out.”

David Coulthard, Red Bull (14th, +1.991s):
“I lost some track time this morning with a throttle actuator problem and it’s never good to miss out on any track time, especially here in Monaco. It meant we had to adjust our programme for this afternoon, to make sure I got more laps in and got myself back up to speed. I think I’ve recovered reasonably well, but in Monaco, the time you have the most knowledge of the track is on the last of the 78 laps on Sunday afternoon. So, not the best of starts, but I think we are now in good shape for the rest of the weekend.”

Nelson Piquet Jr, Renault (15th, +2.106s):
"Monaco is a difficult circuit and so I spent the day learning and familiarising myself with the track. We were able to evaluate some different set-ups, but I am still missing a bit of speed and I did not feel totally comfortable in the car. I hope that by Saturday I can make some progress with my engineers, so that I can make the most of the final free practice session. Then I need to approach qualifying calmly, especially as it's more important here than anywhere else."

vir: http://www.formula1.com
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 8095
Pridružen: To jan 30, 2007 1:47 pm
Kraj: Ljubljana

Napisal/-a adis Pe maj 23, 2008 7:28 pm

še vremenska napoved za sobotni trening in kvalifikacije in samo dirko v nedeljo:

Jutri ( sobota) bo v Monacu precej oblačna z možnimi plohami in z temperaturami okrog 19 stopinj celzija, medtem ko v nedeljo pričakujejo dež, ki se bo okrepil skozi dirko in sicer bo dež v prisotnosti nizkih temperatur okrog 17 stopinj celzija.

naj opomnim, da v sezoni 2008 še ni bilo dežja na kateri izmed velikih nagrad f1 in če se bodo napovedi za nedeljo uresničile bo to prva dirka v sezoni z dežjem.
vse skupaj bo še kako pestro ob dejstvu, da so moštva brez TC ( traction control), kar nekaterim dirkačem že sedaj povzroča težave na monaških ulicah.

Rubens Barrichello, je leta 1997 končal dirko na 2. mestu na "mokri stezi" monaca in je izjavil sledeče:
"vreme bo nedvomno igralo veliko vlogo tako v soboto (trening/kvalifikacije) kot v nedeljo ( dirka) kot vse kaže bomo imeli dež"

ter izjava
Kimi Raikkonen-a:
"mokra dirka? to bi zelo poslabšalo zadevo-dirko a bi bili pogoji za dirko za vse dirkače enaki"
Uporabniški avatar
Poznavalec foruma
Prispevkov: 1768
Pridružen: So sep 03, 2005 12:40 pm

Napisal/-a FBR Pe maj 23, 2008 7:45 pm

Mogoče samo škoda, ker bo ravno na Monacu dež... ta dirka mi že tako ni všeč, ker praktično ne kaže več nobenih varlin dirkanja ampak večinoma samo prestiž...

Bo pa definitivno dobro videt, kako deluje folk brez TC-ja, kaj šele v Monacu...
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Prispevkov: 1386
Pridružen: Po sep 19, 2005 9:21 pm
Kraj: LJ / MB

Napisal/-a tomson Pe maj 23, 2008 8:30 pm

Imam občutek, da bo prisotnost SC velika, če ne bo še kje pomahala rdeča zastava. :roll:

AUDI A6 c5 3.0 220hp Quattro Benzin/LPG
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 8095
Pridružen: To jan 30, 2007 1:47 pm
Kraj: Ljubljana

Napisal/-a adis So maj 24, 2008 1:17 am

tomson je napisal/-a:Imam občutek, da bo prisotnost SC velika, če ne bo še kje pomahala rdeča zastava. :roll:


predvidevam, da bo zastavica mahana prav na ovinkih 5-6 (vhod v mirabeau ter izhod), 8 ( vhod-izhod portier) in 10-11 ( izhod iz tunela v chicane ter izhod), če pogledate shemo proge
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Prispevkov: 1386
Pridružen: Po sep 19, 2005 9:21 pm
Kraj: LJ / MB

Napisal/-a tomson So maj 24, 2008 9:12 am

Zna se zgodit, da se bodo iz ozadja nekateri neizkušeni začeli preseravat in bodo izgubili nadzor nad vozilom že v prvem ovinku, kjer bodo letela zadnja krilca. Ta dirka pa bo ena bolj zanimivih. :)
AUDI A6 c5 3.0 220hp Quattro Benzin/LPG
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Mojster foruma
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Napisal/-a Blinder So maj 24, 2008 10:11 am

tomson je napisal/-a:Zna se zgodit, da se bodo iz ozadja nekateri neizkušeni začeli preseravat in bodo izgubili nadzor nad vozilom že v prvem ovinku, kjer bodo letela zadnja krilca. Ta dirka pa bo ena bolj zanimivih. :)

A v tistih onboard posnetkih kazejo tudi kolko % je pritisnjen gas? Ker to bi zanimivo videt še posebej na tej dirki. Kak jim uspe pospesevat brez da jim koplje.. 700+ hp na 600 kg je ogromno.
Sem fant redkih besed. Govori vec moja desna noga.
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 1386
Pridružen: Po sep 19, 2005 9:21 pm
Kraj: LJ / MB

Napisal/-a tomson So maj 24, 2008 10:15 am

Blinder je napisal/-a:A v tistih onboard posnetkih kazejo tudi kolko % je pritisnjen gas? Ker to bi zanimivo videt še posebej na tej dirki. Kak jim uspe pospesevat brez da jim koplje.. 700+ hp na 600 kg je ogromno.

Da, tudi pritisk noge na gas in zavore lahko pokažejo na ekranih pa še marsikaj drugega.
AUDI A6 c5 3.0 220hp Quattro Benzin/LPG
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Stalni uporabnik
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Pridružen: To jul 24, 2007 11:19 am
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Napisal/-a bigturbo So maj 24, 2008 2:08 pm

kvalifikacije uredu,sem kr mal presenečen na rdečost
biturbo SKN Project CT3 50
Poznavalec foruma
Prispevkov: 2657
Pridružen: Pe jun 18, 2004 10:09 am

Napisal/-a PRODRIVE So maj 24, 2008 2:20 pm


Upam da bo tudi jutri tako :!:
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Poznavalec foruma
Prispevkov: 1933
Pridružen: To apr 01, 2008 9:45 am
Kraj: koroška

Napisal/-a hribko So maj 24, 2008 2:38 pm

upam da bo jutri mal drugače,prva in druga vrtsa se naj zamenja pa bo :P
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Prispevkov: 224
Pridružen: So apr 29, 2006 9:42 am

Napisal/-a gorki So maj 24, 2008 3:36 pm

Rezultati kvalifikacij:
Lp, Gorki
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