Nova vozila v prodaji, konceptna vozila in vsa vozila, o katerih lahko (zaenkrat) le sanjamo...
Prispevkov: 115
Pridružen: To sep 21, 2010 9:29 pm

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a Sba Ne feb 27, 2011 11:32 am

drugmirko je napisal/-a:
ziga555 je napisal/-a:Kombi, noter pa recaro sedeži :huh:

sicer si zicev nisem ogledoval do potankosti, ker me tale Opel kej preveč niti ne zanima... zato tudi nikjer nisem opazil Recarotovega napisa... :|

ne vem pa zakaj bi blo čudno, če bi sedeži res tudi bli Recarotovi... Opel je itak ena od znamk, ki vgrajuje Recarove sedeže, poleg tega pa recaro ne dela smo ultra športnih sedežev! delajo tudi otroške sedeže pa sedeže za čolne, traktorje, potniške avione, pisarne, stadione.... zakaj bi torej blo čudno, če bi njihovi sedeži bli tudi v enem enoprostorcu... :?

Vzami si minutko in odpri link, manjkajo namreč le še H pasovi. :lol:

Zafira OPC mi je sicer všeč, ne vem pa kdo si želi trdega enoprostorca in kje misli dirkati z njim.

Koncept pa mi iz neznanih razlogov deluje kot kak 10+ let star Renaultov prototip.
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Prispevkov: 687
Pridružen: Pe jul 06, 2007 6:59 pm
Kraj: AT-SLO

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a vugy Ne feb 27, 2011 11:34 am

ziga555 je napisal/-a:Kombi, noter pa recaro sedeži :huh:

Drugače pa če je bila do sedaj opel zafira opc, bo bila tudi še naprej, vsaj jaz tako mislim. Nekateri pač rabijo družinski avto, kateri je obenem še mrcina in opel zafira opc je ravno prava izbira za take.

tako je, meni pa so fajne hitre škatle....jas tui upam da naredijo opc zafiro. Sam imam rad dobro športno lego, ampak pač ta je ponavadi pri bolj limuzinskih avtih, ki pa jih na žalost mogoče zaradi familije če bom imel nvm tri otroke po možnosti dojenčke nebom mogel več vozit. In evoga vozil bom enoprostorsko škatlo, bo pa mi ostalo vsaj malo vozne dinamike, če si kupim opc zafiro. Otroci srečni da imajo veliko placa, žena da ima kam vozičke zložit, pa še nakopuje lahko, ata pa srečen da lahko malo bolj dinamično pela. To je to, popoln koncept Zafira OPC ftw:)

drugače pa upam da je ne skazijo ko jo dajo v serijsko proizvodnjo.

Prispevkov: 1035
Pridružen: To nov 27, 2007 6:34 pm

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a zany Ne feb 27, 2011 11:47 am

meni pa že tale koncept izgleda dolgočasno in nič kaj zanimivo, zato me kar skrbi kako bo zgledala serijska Zafira :)
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Poznavalec foruma
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Pridružen: Pe mar 11, 2005 8:47 pm

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a tomzzi Ne feb 27, 2011 12:19 pm

Mislim, da ne bi bilo prav nič narobe če bi dočakali tudi Zafiro OPC. Seveda je namen avtomobila vse prej kot pa športnost... Samo zakaj pa ne?
Sicer pa tale concept obeta in upam, da večjih sprememb ne bo... Vsaj kar se tiče oblike.
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Mojster foruma
Prispevkov: 6395
Pridružen: Če jun 22, 2006 11:17 am

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a IcEm4n Ne feb 27, 2011 1:14 pm

Zakaj bi mogu met dva avta pr bajti: npr. "obično" Zafiro pa Astro oz. Corso OPC, če imaš pa lahko oboje v enem avtu, pa še ceneje je. :D

Če bo pa še motor isti kot bo v Astri OPC (kot je že trenutno); omenja se okoli 290KM, bo pa to en iz med najbolj zmogljivih serijskih enoprostorcev.
Uporabniški avatar
Poznavalec foruma
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Pridružen: Ne apr 17, 2005 9:30 pm
Kraj: LJ

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a drugmirko Ne feb 27, 2011 2:23 pm

Sba je napisal/-a:
drugmirko je napisal/-a:
ziga555 je napisal/-a:Kombi, noter pa recaro sedeži :huh:

sicer si zicev nisem ogledoval do potankosti, ker me tale Opel kej preveč niti ne zanima... zato tudi nikjer nisem opazil Recarotovega napisa... :|

ne vem pa zakaj bi blo čudno, če bi sedeži res tudi bli Recarotovi... Opel je itak ena od znamk, ki vgrajuje Recarove sedeže, poleg tega pa recaro ne dela smo ultra športnih sedežev! delajo tudi otroške sedeže pa sedeže za čolne, traktorje, potniške avione, pisarne, stadione.... zakaj bi torej blo čudno, če bi njihovi sedeži bli tudi v enem enoprostorcu... :?

Vzami si minutko in odpri link, manjkajo namreč le še H pasovi. :lol:

ne bom :mrgreen: ... kot že rečeno, me tale Opel ne navdihuje kej preveč. sploh pa ne toliko, da se šel kakšno ododatno ogledovanje in raziskovanje... je pač dokaj konvencionalna škatla s popolnoma korektnimi a konvecionalnimi, prav nič nenavadnimi, še nikoli videnimi ali kej posebej revolucionarnimi rešitvami...
vseskupej se torej konsekventno zreducira na vprašanje osebnega okusa in meni Opli kot taki ne na zunaj ne navznotraj niso kej posebej všeč ;) !

kar se pa zicev samih tiče, se mi zdi, da ne kipijo ravno od kake pretirane bočne opore, zato bi H pasovi na teh "foteljih" zgledali kot krava s sedlom :mrgreen:. moj prejšnji komentar pa je bil itak samo reakcija na "začudenost" pojave Recarovih sedežev v enoprostorcu... kot da Recaro izdeluje zice samo za dirkalnike =P ;)

IcEm4n je napisal/-a:Zakaj bi mogu met dva avta pr bajti: npr. "obično" Zafiro pa Astro oz. Corso OPC, če imaš pa lahko oboje v enem avtu, pa še ceneje je. :D

Če bo pa še motor isti kot bo v Astri OPC (kot je že trenutno); omenja se okoli 290KM, bo pa to en iz med najbolj zmogljivih serijskih enoprostorcev.

zato, ker bi jaz osebno pr bajti rajši mel DS3R in Pikaselna =P :mrgreen: ... ampak tu gre spet za vprašanje osebnega okusa, predvsem pa eksistencialnih zmožnosti... ;)
živeo drugmirkooooo!!!!
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 187
Pridružen: Ne okt 24, 2010 11:36 pm

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a maxipin To mar 01, 2011 7:01 pm

Če te ne zanima, nevem kaj si se sploh vtaknil v to temo. Pa prvo poglej link potem pa tu pametuj in smeti. Meni se vivario ne zdi ravno navaden "enoprostorec", ampak kombi... samo če je človek len....
Ko pa smo že ravno pri tistem linku, mene zanima če se opel antaro van naroči tudi v sloveniji in koliko je razlika v ceni med navadno in van varjanto?

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Prispevkov: 1483
Pridružen: To dec 16, 2008 1:17 am

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a CITROENAR ŠT 1 To apr 12, 2011 8:39 pm

Sir Issac Newton: "To, kar vemo je le kaplja v morje."
Blaise Pascal: "Človekova veličina je v misli."
James Dean: "Dream as if you`ll live forever and live as if you`ll die today."
Spock: "Live long and prosper."

Prispevkov: 1035
Pridružen: To nov 27, 2007 6:34 pm
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Pridružen: Ne jul 04, 2004 5:23 pm

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a dominic To maj 03, 2011 7:48 am

zafira OPC ima svoje mesto, tako kot ostale OPC verzije...ce hoces navadno druzinsko karjolo, bos tako izbral navadno zafiro z dizelskim agregatom...ce pa hoces z avtom izstopat na semaforjih, vzbujat neko spostovanje na cesti...bos posego po OPC modelu, taksnem in drugacnem, saj trzni delez tega je zelo, zelo OPEL ne racuna na kaksno veliko dobickonostnost z temi modeli...imajo pa jo v ponudbi, kar se meni zdi super...

lp, dominic...
..::"Burn Ruber....Keiichi Tsuchiya.... Not Your Soul"::..
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Prispevkov: 603
Pridružen: So feb 06, 2010 3:36 pm

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a mropc To maj 03, 2011 9:25 am

a najzanimljivija su u stvari nova sportska Recaro sedišta
ziga555 je napisal/-a:Kombi, noter pa recaro sedeži :huh:

Drugače pa če je bila do sedaj opel zafira opc, bo bila tudi še naprej, vsaj jaz tako mislim. Nekateri pač rabijo družinski avto, kateri je obenem še mrcina in opel zafira opc je ravno prava izbira za take.

a najzanimljivija su u stvari nova sportska Recaro sedišta ti prevedem ali znaš brati ?
Uporabniški avatar
Mojster foruma
Prispevkov: 3065
Pridružen: Sr nov 30, 2005 7:03 pm
Kraj: Nova Gorica

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a simply So maj 07, 2011 6:44 pm

vzbujat neko spostovanje na cesti.

Ah daj no.

Z OPCjem, poglej si zadnji AFM - avtomobil z 325KM in pospeškom slabšim od DS3.

Smeha polna skleda.
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 1181
Pridružen: Pe apr 18, 2008 5:17 pm
Kraj: Črna na Koroškem

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a roberto-82 So maj 07, 2011 7:51 pm

nikjer nisem zaslediv ali bo imela nova zafira tudi 7 sedežev :?: :D :D
PS. bomo kr menjali :D :D
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Prispevkov: 956
Pridružen: Po feb 16, 2009 8:39 pm

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a a4 So maj 07, 2011 7:55 pm

mene pa zanima kdo je ciljna skupina takega avta. kaj lahko s takim avtom delaš ? gorivo je drago tako da z družino še starše ne moreš obiskat, kaj šele it na izlet

a s takim avtom se pa starši vozijo v službo ? hja, ziher ga je fajn parkirat ane ? če izgled ne vara ima vsaj 20" gume ta avto :huh:

zdaj mi pa naj še kdo reče da se nakup takega avta izplača :huh:
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Prispevkov: 2569
Pridružen: Po maj 14, 2007 11:34 pm

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a lizard So maj 07, 2011 8:11 pm

a4 je napisal/-a:mene pa zanima kdo je ciljna skupina takega avta. kaj lahko s takim avtom delaš ? gorivo je drago tako da z družino še starše ne moreš obiskat, kaj šele it na izlet

1. Ciljna skupina so tisti, ki imajo dovolj denarja za nakup in vzdrževanje tako močnega avta in hkrati želijo imeti dovolj prostora za vse familijarne (ne)potrebščine.
2. S takim avtom ponavadi voziš sebe in družino.
3. Nekdo, ki si kupi tak avto ima verjetno več kot dovolj denarja da gre na izlet tudi vsak dan če hoče.

a s takim avtom se pa starši vozijo v službo ? hja, ziher ga je fajn parkirat ane ? če izgled ne vara ima vsaj 20" gume ta avto :huh:

Eni se pa v službo vozijo celo s 6 literskim V12 BMW-jem serije 7 na 22 colah... kako je šele tisto 5,2 metrsko kravo težko parkirat.

zdaj mi pa naj še kdo reče da se nakup takega avta izplača :huh:

Nakup nobenega avta na svetu se ne izplača. Boš tudi v temah o AMG-jih in Maseratijih pisal kako brezvezni in nesmiselni so taki avti, ker jih po tvojem razmišljanju nihče ne more tankrat (predrag benzin) pa vzdrževat, kaj šele iti na kak izlet v Francijo... Meti 500 konjev pod havbo pa je verjetno nekaj najbolj butastega?

Sploh ne vem zakaj odgovarjam tako nesmiselnemu postu. Ne vem zakaj te v toliko temah motijo močni avtomobili...
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Pridružen: Sr feb 22, 2006 8:26 pm
Kraj: Ribnica

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a martin_krpan Sr maj 18, 2011 6:21 am

Zafira uradno:


več fotografij tukaj:


Premium flexibility is the business card of the new Opel Zafira Tourer. Opel engineers have substantially upgraded the clever Flex7 seating concept. While the entire third row can still be folded down flush with the floor of the luggage compartment, the second row has been completely re-designed: No longer a bench, it now consists of three separate, individual seats that can be folded flat and moved independently of each other. Each can slide longitudinally by 210 mm.

In addition, passengers in the second row can benefit from the unique, optional Lounge Seating system, providing generous limousine-like seating space and comfort. Thanks to a clever folding mechanism, the back of the middle seat in the second row folds down and rotates to offer comfortable armrests for the passengers in the outer seats. The longitudinal movement of the outer seats in this case is extended to 280 mm - 70 mm more than in the standard version, and 80 mm more than in the current Zafira. Moreover, the outer seats slide by 50 mm towards the center of the cabin, a true novelty in the segment.

The combination of both longitudinal and lateral movements ensures first-class comfort and the unique feeling of travelling in a "lounge on wheels", with maximum individual space and ergonomics, as passengers can change position at their convenience while travelling. This emphasis on personal comfort makes the Opel Zafira Tourer much more than just a family vehicle. Opel designers turned the flexible interior into a wellness oasis, a place to relax and enjoy the spacious atmosphere - be it on a business trip or a long journey with friends.

Unique features further enhance Opel Zafira Tourer's flexibility

Thanks to its generous cabin space and flexible seating system, the Opel Zafira Tourer offers 710 liters load volume in a five-seat configuration (65 liters more than the current Zafira), and up to 1,860 liters (+ 40 liters) when all rear seats are folded down.

It also provides ample storage space including the revolutionary multi-functional FlexConsole, an enhancement of the innovative FlexRail system introduced last year in the Meriva. This standard-setting innovation is just another example of premium flexibility in the Opel Zafira Tourer. The armrest featuring a storage box and the cup holder trail both slide on the aluminum rails to the desired position, enabling flexible use of the generous storage space between the front seats - exactly where it is most accessible and useful.

The second generation of Opel's exclusive integrated FlexFix bicycle carrier system also premieres in the new Zafira Tourer. To date around 60,000 Opel customers have opted for this highly acclaimed carrier that is integrated in the rear bumper and is simply pulled out like a drawer. Building on the experience of the first generation, the system has been re-engineered and features a new fastening device that makes it even more functional and easier to use.

Opel Zafira Tourer stands out with athletic look

"The Zafira is Opel's flexibility icon, and we wanted to bring more emotion and premium qualities into its third generation," says Mark Adams, Vice President, Opel/Vauxhall Design. "The Opel Zafira Tourer makes a statement with its sleek, sporty look and premium feel."

The distinctive front with its bold twin "boomerang" graphics sweeping from the top of the headlights to the bottom of the fog lamps, its characteristic Opel center crease and proud trapezoidal grille create a dynamic, progressive look, unusual for a monocab. In line with all other models in the range, the headlights feature the Opel-typical "wing shaped" daytime running light graphic.

The streamlined, aerodynamic bodywork design of the Opel Zafira Tourer lends it a silhouette that is reminiscent of a high-speed train. The belt line sweeps upwards in a hockey stick-like gesture and visually propels the vehicle forward, while the Opel characteristic "blade" sculpts and adds motion to the body side.

The wing-shaped graphic from the headlights is repeated in the tail lamps, which can be enhanced with LED technology. The horizontal chrome bar carrying the Opel logo stretches far into the split light elements, giving the Opel Zafira Tourer a broad, sporty look in the rear and adding a premium touch.

As for the interior, driver's visibility has been dramatically improved thanks to a completely re-designed front layout with slim A-pillars, large side windows and a repositioned side rear view mirror - now mounted on the door panel.

The high-class quality cabin is dominated by dynamic, sculptural shapes and a feeling of spacious comfort. The bright, airy lounge atmosphere in the Opel Zafira Tourer can be enhanced by the optionally available panorama windscreen - an innovation that Opel introduced in 2005 in the Astra GTC. It flows into a generous glass sunroof that visually extends all the way to the back of the vehicle.

Adaptive FlexRide chassis control enhances driving comfort and safety

For a relaxed driving experience, the Opel Zafira Tourer mechatronic chassis has been designed to provide an outstanding level of comfort and safety. Compared to the previous generation, the wheelbase and tracks have increased substantially to the benefit of ride comfort and dynamic stability: The wheel base is now 2,760 mm (+ 57 mm), while the tracks are 1,584 mm in front (+ 96 mm) and 1,588 in the rear (+ 78 mm).

The Opel Zafira Tourer features the front axle of the Insignia, with an isolated sub-frame and a McPherson strut. The layout of the rear axle is unique in the monocab segment. Like in the Astra, it combines a compound crank with a Watt's link. This construction has multiple benefits: While it provides outstanding stability/control, comfort and noise insulation, it is lighter and more compact than a multi-link axle that for instance would not leave enough space to fit the integrated FlexFix bicycle carrier offered in the Opel Zafira Tourer.

Still a rarity in the monocab segment, the intelligent, fully-adaptive FlexRide chassis control system in the Opel Zafira Tourer enhances driving comfort and safety on demand. It automatically adapts to road conditions, cornering speed, vehicle movements and individual driving style to provide maximum stability, and offers a choice between three settings: the balanced Standard mode, the comfort-oriented "Tour" mode and the more active "Sport" mode.

Greater driving safety thanks to intelligent assistant systems

A host of innovative Driver Assistant systems enhance driving comfort and overall safety in the new Zafira Tourer.

* A new feature in the Opel range, the radar-based Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with Collision Mitigating Braking (CMB) constantly monitors the distance to the vehicles ahead. If the set safety distance is not observed, the system automatically reduces vehicle speed or, in extreme cases, triggers emergency braking to prevent a collision.

The Opel Eye front camera system of the second generation also premieres in the Opel Zafira Tourer. While it still features the familiar Lane Departure Warning (LDW), its Traffic Sign Recognition functionality (TSR) is improved and widely extended. The camera also supports new functions such as:

* A Following Distance Indication (FDI) that visually informs the driver about the distance to the vehicle ahead.
* A Forward Collision Alert (FCA) that warns the driver via visual and acoustic signals about an imminent collision with the vehicle ahead.
* An Intelligent Light Ranging system (ILR) that adds a new function to the Bi- Xenon Advanced Forward Lighting system (AFL+): It adjusts the headlamp low beam pattern to the distance from the vehicle ahead and continuously adapts it to optimize roadway illumination without blinding.

Further innovative driver assistant systems also make their premiere in the Opel Zafira Tourer:

* The Side Blind Spot Alert (SBSA) warns the driver of an imminent collision when changing lanes.
* To facilitate parking maneuvers, the Advanced Park Assist (APA) helps the driver finding an adequate space to park and guides him to get in; and the Rear View Camera makes even difficult maneuvers in tight spaces child's play.

Highly efficient diesel and gasoline engines available at launch

At launch this fall, the Opel Zafira Tourer will be available with three versions of the 2.0 CDTI common-rail turbo diesel engine familiar from the Astra and Insignia. Outputs are 81 kW/110 hp and 96 kW/130 hp, while the unit topping the offer has been reworked to deliver 121 kW/165 hp. The gasoline range comprises two downsized, fuel-efficient 1.4 ECOTEC turbo-charged gasoline units, with 88 kW/120 hp and 103 kW/140 hp. Six-speed manual and automatic transmissions are available.

Opel's new Start/Stop technology that brings further fuel savings, particularly in urban stop and go traffic, is offered with both the 1.4 Turbo gasoline and 2.0 CDTI powertrains.

Soon after its debut, the Opel Zafira Tourer offer will expand with a super fuel-efficient ecoFLEX model as well as variants powered by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG). A few months later, high-performance powertrains will also be introduced, including gasoline units of a completely new generation.

Oplu bo sledil tudi Vauxhall: ... et-hogerop
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 1160
Pridružen: Po mar 28, 2005 6:03 pm
Kraj: malo tu, malo tam

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a perko84 Sr maj 18, 2011 12:32 pm

:DDD :bow

za moj okus...opel je z vsakim novejsim modelom lepsi. tole mi je fantasticno...
Uporabniški avatar
Poznavalec foruma
Prispevkov: 2660
Pridružen: Ne apr 17, 2005 9:30 pm
Kraj: LJ

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a drugmirko Sr maj 18, 2011 1:22 pm

meni je pa tole malček prekonzervativno in neoriginalno... nekam preveč Apera-Volt/Orlandasto...

drgač sem pa 100%, da jim Citroenovi Zenithno-Picassassti modeli iskreno čestitajo und aplaudirajo za sprednjo šajbo... =P
živeo drugmirkooooo!!!!
Prispevkov: 1035
Pridružen: To nov 27, 2007 6:34 pm

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a zany Sr maj 18, 2011 2:04 pm

odlično izgleda :)
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Pridružen: Pe feb 29, 2008 6:46 pm

Re: 2010 Opel Zafira

Napisal/-a Switch Če maj 19, 2011 10:03 pm

drugmirko je napisal/-a:meni je pa tole malček prekonzervativno in neoriginalno... nekam preveč Apera-Volt/Orlandasto...

drgač sem pa 100%, da jim Citroenovi Zenithno-Picassassti modeli iskreno čestitajo und aplaudirajo za sprednjo šajbo... =P


drugmirko: a čestitajo zato, ker so izboljšali svojo idejo iz leta 2004? :mrgreen:
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