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Uporabniški avatar
Moderator foruma
Prispevkov: 9971
Pridružen: Ne mar 27, 2005 6:35 am
Kraj: Ljubljana pri Kozarjah

Citroen 2 CV zmagal kot najboljši Bondov avto !!

Napisal/-a esem So okt 14, 2006 4:07 am

Bondov Citroen 2 CV je z veliko prednostjo zmagal kot "najboljši avto v zasledovanjih" v celotni bondijadi v anketi "Channel 4's 4Car" TV oddaje in to pred Aston Martinom, Lotusom itd
več v angl., dodal sem tudi nekaj komentarjev


Autoblog je napisal/-a:Best Bond chase vehicle a Citroen 2CV?

There is something terribly disturbing about announcing that a Citroën 2CV has beaten out a Lotus Esprit and a trio of Aston Martins. But the little French deux chevaux has been named the best James Bond chase car in a new 4Car poll. Piloted by Roger Moore in the classic 1981 film, "For Your Eyes Only", the duck managed to steal the top spot in the poll, which was done as part of an upcoming Jeremy Clarkson special, MPH Show '06.

For those who might not remember, the 2CV wasn't even Roger Moore's first choice. As Bond, he had to abandon his destroyed Lotus Esprit for the bright yellow 2CV to escape hitman Hector Gonzales and his henchmen. The 2CV incomprehensibly out-ran Sean Connery's Aston Martin DB5 from the Goldfinger chase scene. And that classic AM only managed a tie with Pierce Brosnan's destructive tank chase in 1995's Goldeneye. Shame on you, Channel 4 voters.

Clarkson and co-presenter James May will be hosting the live MPH Show '06 event that leads up to the premier of the newest Bond flick, Casino Royale. A live audience of 12,000 is expected at Birmingham's NEC (October 26-29) and London's Earls Court (November 2-5) where they'll see such stupendous sights as "a Ninja fighting a Vauxhall Monaro, a 3D helicopter gun chase and 'Parkour' experts defying gravity by jumping over moving cars." In the wake of Top Gear co-presenter Richard Hammond's recent jet-car crash, it is good to see Jeremy hasn't lost his taste for the fun stuff.

Full top ten list after the jump.

[Source: Channel 4's 4Car]

Top Ten James Bond Chase Sequences as voted by visitors to 4car.co.uk

Position Sequence & Film Votes

1. Roger Moore in a Citroën 2CV: For Your Eyes Only (1981) 24 percent
2. Sean Connery in an Aston Martin DB5: Goldfinger (1964) 13 percent
3. Pierce Brosnan in a T-55 tank in St Petersburg: Goldeneye (1995) 13 percent
4. Roger Moore in an AMC Hornet 'X' hatchback in Thailand: The Man With The Golden Gun (1974) 12 percent
5. Roger Moore in a Lotus Esprit: The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) 10.5 percent
6. Timothy Dalton chasing drug-filled tankers: Licence to Kill (1989) 9.5 percent
7. Pierce Brosnan in a remote-controlled BMW 750: Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) 8.5 percent
8. Sean Connery driving a Sunbeam followed by three assassins in a hearse: Dr. No (1962) 7 percent
9. Timothy Dalton in an Aston Martin V8 Vantage down a snowy hillside: The Living Daylights (1987) 1.5 percent
10. Pierce Brosnan in the Aston Martin Vanquish V12: Die Another Day (2002) 1 percent


1. Saw one of these cars in person at the Sema show a while back and it looks like this car is made out of paper.

2. As an American owner of one, there really is nothing like a 2CV. Beetle? Heck no. Completely lacking in character compared to a 2CV.

3. I totally agree with that choice. That scene is an all time classic. And that's one of the best Bond movies ever, FWIW.

4. What about when Bond drove the front half of a front-wheel drive Renault(R9??) in a view to a kill. That was classic.

5. A car chase with an extremely underpowered car is 100 times funnier than one with a super-exotic...
I do remember many, many years ago a street race between a Jaguar XKE and a Citroen 2CV. The avenue had sinchronized lights and the XKE will arrive to the following light before it turned green having to stop completely. By the time it switched to green the 2CV was arriving at full speed (relatively speaking) and will be ahead of the XKE for half of the distance to the next light. It was hilarious! The XKE driver must have been really frustrated.

and besides, the Citroen 2CV is probably the funniest car of the last century. No other car even comes close. Not one! You need to have had fun in one to understand it!

6. No, no, no! The only acceptable answer is either A) the submersible esprit, or B) the original DB5.

That little rant out of the way, my single favorite Bond driving sequence is the Goldeneye Aston/Ferrari race. Best driving not in a Frankenheimer film!

7. The car in the movie had a GS (flat 4 motor) drivetrain added, I have seen photos before in one of the Citroen club publications from that period.

8. I totally agree with the 2CV as the top choice. it may not have looked or sounded as good as the Aston but it was worth it just to enjoy the the joke of Bond engage in a chase in the least chase-worthy vehicle ever made. None of them beats the chase in the first Raiders of the Lost Ark, in which I believe the original chase vehicle was a horse.

9. Reminds me of that cheeky old 2CV print ad, showing (among other things) a Ferrari with bold-print type "Faster than a Ferrari!" In small print it went on to say "Flat out at 61.5 mph, the Citroen 2CV will easily overtake a Ferrari travelling at 55 mph!" At least they have a sense of humor ...

And if you go by passenger, that 2CV clearly takes the biscuit. Though the Aston Martin in mountains and the submarine Lotus come close ...
Uporabniški avatar
Moderator foruma
Prispevkov: 9971
Pridružen: Ne mar 27, 2005 6:35 am
Kraj: Ljubljana pri Kozarjah

Napisal/-a esem Ne okt 15, 2006 2:31 pm

Me pa res presenečate!
Za vsako oslovo senco se lahko kregate tri tedne (če vam ne bi moderatorji nataknili uzd in jih po ustaljenem postopku še zaklenili), da je le RenFer ali FerMic omenjen (ali Rajko, finski ali koprski - vseeno), ko pa en Citroen 2CV prehiti vso konkurenco za 2 X (!) kot bolj zanimiv zasledovalni avto od Astonov (od Vanquisha V12 je dobil 24X več glasov - vsak Spačkov ventil je dobil skoraj 300 X več glasov kot Vanquishev)), Lotusov itd, ste pa vsi tiho.

Tu seveda ne gre za samo tekmovanje - zanimiv je predvsem odnos gledalcev v TV avtooddaji, ki se je pokazal skozi anketo. Očitno so zunaj v svetu ljudje (toliko čudni, da so morda ET-ji?), ki jim bleščeč pleh ne pomeni toliko kot marsikomu v Slo - spoštujejo dosežek sam (kar se da pač maksimalno iztisnit iz avta - tu seveda v smislu zabave), ne pa šminkarije in postavljanja s plehom in imeni, kar je pri nas vidno na vsakem koraku v Lj in drugje. Kdaj bo to postalo nekaj sprejemljivega (če ne celo normalnega) tudi pri nas?
Morda pa bodo oni prevzeli naše navade, saj tako glasovanje presega vse Podalpske meje normale in kot taki ostajajo morda primerni samo še za na Luno ali Šubičevo in Povšetovo ?
Uporabniški avatar
Poznavalec foruma
Prispevkov: 1740
Pridružen: Sr apr 27, 2005 4:23 pm
Kraj: Nuclear City

Napisal/-a Shebo Ne okt 15, 2006 4:52 pm

No pa da dam komentar ;)

Zelo zanimivo. Očitno tujina veliko več da na starejše legende kot nove avtomobile, ki verjetno nikoli ne bodo postali L od legende...
THE GOLDEN YEARS have come at last - I cannot see, I cannot pee, I cannot chew, I cannot screw, My memory shrinks, my hearing stinks, No sense of smell, I look like hell! My body's drooping, got trouble pooping. The golden years have come at last... THE GOLDEN YEARS CAN KISS MY ASS!
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