majckena zanimivost iz fiinega obrazlozitve:
Tyre gas
3.13 Mr de la Rosa’s e-mail to Mr. Alonso on 25 March 2007 at 01.43 identified a gas
that Ferrari uses to inflate its tyres to reduce the internal temperature and
blistering. The e-mail concludes with a statement (in relation to the gas) that
“we’ll have to try it, it’s easy!”.
3.14 Mr Alonso replied at 12.31 that it is “very important” that McLaren test the gas
that Ferrari uses in its tyres as “they have something different from the rest”, and
“not only this year. there is something else and this may be the key; let’s hope
we can test it during this test, and that we can make it a priority!”.
3.15 Mr. de la Rosa replied on 25 March 2007 13.02 stating the following: I agree
100% that we must test the [tyre gas] thing very soon.
3.16 Although the e-mail exchange between Mr. Alonso and Mr. de la Rosa makes
clear that they both were enthusiastic about trying the gas apparently used by
Ferrari in its tyres, Mr de la Rosa's evidence to the WMSC was that he, on his
own, decided to explore with a Bridgestone engineer whether the McLaren team
should try this gas. He states that he had no other conversations with any other
specialist staff within McLaren. His evidence is that the Bridgestone engineer in
question doubted whether the gas would confer an advantage upon McLaren.
According to Mr de la Rosa, without further consultation with anyone else at
McLaren, and despite the fact that this had apparently been successfully used at
Ferrari, the idea was dropped and no actual attempt was made to test the gas in the
tyres used by McLaren.
3.17 It seems unlikely to the WMSC that a test driver would engage in such
consultations on his own without discussing it any further with anyone else at the
team. It also seems unlikely that a decision on whether to pursue the matter
further would be taken by a test driver on his own. Finally, Mr de la Rosa’s
evidence makes clear that there was no reluctance or hesitation about using the
Ferrari information, but only that on this occasion it was concluded that there
would be no advantage in doing so.
jest bi se alonsota izkljucu, majke mi... in eni branite mclaren in obsojate odlocitev fie... jao