Nova vozila v prodaji, konceptna vozila in vsa vozila, o katerih lahko (zaenkrat) le sanjamo...
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Napisal/-a Joie de vivre! Če jun 04, 2009 4:02 pm

adis je napisal/-a:
snikerson je napisal/-a:
alesdrolec je napisal/-a:sj dizli v saab-u so itak ež fiat-ovi... :D

pa to niti ni tk slabo, sam avto izgubla na "dušI"

najprej naj na armaturki poštimajo ker zgleda kot iz kamene dobe

Meni pa so Saabove armaturke špica in to vedno bolj, vse druge si postajajo vedno bolj podobne, le Saabova ostaja Saabova. Sediš kot v avionu.
Uporabniški avatar
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Pridružen: To jan 30, 2007 1:47 pm
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Napisal/-a adis Če jun 04, 2009 5:35 pm

tale armaturka mi je polom: ... 3_int1.jpg

tale je pa super

saab ima sredinsko konzolo nekako pusto, v dveh barvah in to temnih barvah - siva/črna, kar ni ravno najbolje za oči. no vsaj za moje oči ne....
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Napisal/-a mihaing Če jun 04, 2009 5:39 pm

Mene je lani odvrnil nakup saaba 9-3 ker sem imel obšutek kot da sedim v ruski podmornici, ker je armaturka res grda. Gumbov toliko da se prej naveličaš avta kot pa zapomniš funkcije.
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Napisal/-a esem Pe jun 05, 2009 3:24 am

mihaing je napisal/-a:... sem imel obšutek kot da sedim v ruski podmornici - Gumbov toliko da se prej naveličaš avta kot pa zapomniš funkcije.

Glede tega se pa skoraj strinjam

Uporabniški avatar
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Pridružen: Pe avg 12, 2005 5:46 pm
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Napisal/-a cruiser1 Pe jun 05, 2009 3:29 am

esem je napisal/-a:
mihaing je napisal/-a:... sem imel obšutek kot da sedim v ruski podmornici - Gumbov toliko da se prej naveličaš avta kot pa zapomniš funkcije.

Glede tega se pa skoraj strinjam


Men je všeč! :D
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Napisal/-a Shebo Pe jun 05, 2009 6:37 am

Meni so Saabi 9-3 okrog letnika 2005 zelo všečni na zunaj. Ko ga pa notri zagledam me pa vse mine...
THE GOLDEN YEARS have come at last - I cannot see, I cannot pee, I cannot chew, I cannot screw, My memory shrinks, my hearing stinks, No sense of smell, I look like hell! My body's drooping, got trouble pooping. The golden years have come at last... THE GOLDEN YEARS CAN KISS MY ASS!
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Pridružen: Po jun 07, 2004 11:36 am
Kraj: Somewhere Over The Rainbow...

Napisal/-a Eazy-O Pe jun 05, 2009 9:58 am

No no, kar pocasi.

Tale je bivsa Saab 9-3 "button dash" armaturka:

In v cem je fora, nocni pogled:

In pa 2007+ armatura, za vse bolj... klasicnega avtomobila zeljne:

Osebno mi je starejsa bolj pri srcu, sicer pa kot folk pravi, niti slucajno ni tako zmedena kot izgleda na prvi pogled.


Pa sorry za delen off topic, ampak tudi tu lezi del problemov GMa...
Uporabniški avatar
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Napisal/-a chgotom Pe jun 05, 2009 3:58 pm

Saab je zdaj izgleda bolj ali manj history za GM in ni bil nikoli pretirano mnozicen v ZDA. Prej avto za klase, kot za mase, ceprav tisto o "klasah" ne drzi povsem, vsaj ne zame.

Imel cem convertible model pred leti in same probleme: elektrika je kar naprej nekaj crkovala, streha se je odprla na pol in si jo moral potem delno rocno zapirat/odpirat, pa se slabotni pospeski. Zadeve sem se znebil precej hitro, mogoce je bil le moj taka polomija.

LP iz Chicaga!
Uporabniški avatar
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Pridružen: Če jun 22, 2006 11:17 am

Napisal/-a IcEm4n Pe jun 05, 2009 4:09 pm

Tale armaturka na zadnji sliki je pa še kr prebavljiva :D
Uporabniški avatar
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Napisal/-a martin_krpan Pe jun 05, 2009 5:21 pm

GM je prodal znamko Saturn verigi avtomobiskih prodajaln Penske Automotive Group. Podjetje si lasti Roger Penske, bolj znan kot lastnik ekip v NASCAR in IndyCar.
GM bo proizvajal Saturne še do leta 2011. Do takrat mora Penske najti nove partnerje. CNN omenja, da je v igri Renault Samsung Motors. ... tm?cnn=yes

Močno dvomim, da se bo šel Saturn lastnega razvoja novih avtomobilov. Pričakujemo lahko rebadged avtomobile znamk, ki ne tekmujejo na trgu ZDA. Mogoče prilagojene tamkajšnjim okusom.
Uporabniški avatar
Joie de vivre!
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Pridružen: Če feb 10, 2005 12:25 pm
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Napisal/-a Joie de vivre! Pe jun 05, 2009 9:25 pm

martin_krpan je napisal/-a:GM je prodal znamko Saturn verigi avtomobiskih prodajaln Penske Automotive Group. Podjetje si lasti Roger Penske, bolj znan kot lastnik ekip v NASCAR in IndyCar.
GM bo proizvajal Saturne še do leta 2011. Do takrat mora Penske najti nove partnerje. CNN omenja, da je v igri Renault Samsung Motors. ... tm?cnn=yes

Močno dvomim, da se bo šel Saturn lastnega razvoja novih avtomobilov. Pričakujemo lahko rebadged avtomobile znamk, ki ne tekmujejo na trgu ZDA. Mogoče prilagojene tamkajšnjim okusom.

Penske je tako velik, da bi mu znalo ratati. Zanimivo, kako se vse obrne. Še lani se je govorilo, da je Saturn najbolj perspektivna GM-ova znamka...
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Napisal/-a dobek Po jun 08, 2009 11:30 pm

a ima kdo kak info o tem, da bi se naj za nakup saaba zanima celo koenigsegg (ki sta mu ravno saab in volvo od zacetka pomagala)?
Ce v svojih postih slucajno koga uzalim - prisezem, da je bilo nalasc!
Uporabniški avatar
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Prispevkov: 9971
Pridružen: Ne mar 27, 2005 6:35 am
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Napisal/-a esem Po jun 08, 2009 11:34 pm

Pri navezi FIAT/Chrysler nekaj škripa

Leftlane news je napisal/-a:Fiat to drop Chrysler brand?
06/08/2009, 2:41 PM
By Andrew Ganz

According to a Fiat executive, the Italian automaker might look to discontinue the Chrysler brand entirely in an effort to reduce the number of brands offered by the joint automaker. As General Motors is attempting to prove, streamlining the number of brands in an automaker’s portfolio could be the way of the future.

Advertising Age reports that Fiat is seriously studying which lines and brands to keep - and Chrysler division, with its dwindling sales and weak offerings, could be on the chopping block. The publication says that a Chrysler spokeswoman revealed that Chrysler’s own executives had considered closing the brand earlier this year before the Fiat involvement, but they decided to let it live another day.

Unquestionably, Chrysler’s future product portfolio represents an improvement over its current offerings. The updated Chrysler 300 promises a top-notch interior, while the Sebring’s replacement - previewed by the 200c concept - could add the spice the automaker needs in that segment. Yet for Italian executives looking at Chrysler’s current lineup of just three models for 2010, drastic moves might be necessary.

Automobilemag je napisal/-a:Suffering from a dramatic slashing of marketing funds this year, Chrysler's marketing team has advised abstaining from the television ad buying season this year - despite the launch of its 2010 Dodge Ram heavy duty trucks.

"We don't know if we'll have media" for the introduction of the Ram, a spokeswoman said.

"We need to be more flexible with media vs. long-term contracts without flexibility," she said.

Chrysler spent about $707 million on marketing in the U.S. last year according to Advertising Age, and almost $144 million of that was spent on national broadcast TV. The auto task force has slashed Chrysler's ad expenses to about $67 million for its nine-week bankruptcy period.

Advertising Age says that, although the sale of Chrysler's assets hasn't been completed yet, Fiat has already asked Chrysler's marketing team to include the Fiat partnership in its "Bright Future" television commercial.

Most importantly, however, the website says that Fiat has been pondering whether it will keep all three of Chrysler's brands. Citing "an executive familiar with the situation," Advertising Age says the Italian automaker is considering eliminating the Chrysler brand and keeping just Dodge and Jeep. Chrysler executives apparently considered the same thing earlier this year, but decided to keep their namesake brand.

The Chrysler spokeswoman denied hearing the rumors, but said it's premature to speculate on whether it will happen or not. Indeed, seeing how Chrysler and Fiat's matchup might be lobbed into the Supreme Court, it's too early to tell if Fiat will get the chance to eliminate the Chrysler brand.

In predvsem to

San Francisco Chronicle je napisal/-a:Supreme Court delays Chrysler's sale to Fiat

Monday, June 8, 2009
(06-08) 14:40 PDT WASHINGTON, (AP) --

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Monday delayed Chrysler's sale of most of its assets to a group led by Italy's Fiat, but didn't say how long the deal will remain on hold.

Ginsburg said in an order that the sale is "stayed pending further order," indicating that the delay may only be temporary.

Chrysler LLC has said the sale must close by June 15, or Fiat Group SpA has the option to walk away, leaving the Auburn Hills, Mich., automaker with little option but to liquidate.

A federal appeals court in New York approved the sale Friday but gave opponents until 4 p.m. EDT Monday to try to get the Supreme Court to intervene. Ginsburg issued her order right before the deadline.

Ginsburg could decide on her own whether to end the delay, or she could ask the full court to decide. It is unclear when she or the court will act.

Chrysler said it had no comment until it receives further information from the court.

Chrysler claims the agreement with Fiat is the best deal it can get for its assets and is critical to the company's plan to emerge from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

But a trio of Indiana state pension and construction funds, which hold a small part of Chrysler's debt, have been fighting the sale, claiming that it unfairly favors Chrysler's unsecured stakeholders ahead of secured debtholders like themselves.

As part of Chrysler's restructuring plan, the automaker's secured debtholders will receive $2 billion, or about 29 cents on the dollar, for their combined $6.9 billion in debt. The Indiana funds bought their $42.5 million in debt in July 2008 for 43 cents on the dollar.

The funds also are challenging the constitutionality of the Treasury Department's use of money from the Troubled Asset Relief Program to supply Chrysler's bankruptcy protection financing. They say the government did so without congressional authority.

Consumer groups and individuals with product-related lawsuits also are contesting a condition of the Chrysler sale that would release the company from product liability claims related to vehicles it sold before the "New Chrysler" partnered with Fiat is created.

Individuals with claims against "Old Chrysler" would have to seek compensation from the parts of the company not being sold to Fiat. But those assets have limited value and it's doubtful that there will be anything available to pay consumer claims.

The appeals come as Congress intensifies its scrutiny of the Obama administration's government-led restructuring of Chrysler and General Motors Corp. The Senate Banking Committee said it planned to call Ron Bloom, a senior adviser to the auto task force, and Edward Montgomery, who serves as the Obama administration's director of recovery for auto communities and workers, to a hearing Wednesday.

Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., the committee's chairman, planned to review the use of TARP funds to help the auto companies and look at whether taxpayers will receive a return on their investment.

GM and Chrysler executives faced questions last week from Congress over the elimination of hundreds of dealerships as part of the companies' reorganizations.

Kot zanimivost pa še link na članek, kjer Marchionne govori o tem, da se še niso povsem odpovedali Oplu
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Pridružen: Ne mar 27, 2005 6:35 am
Kraj: Ljubljana pri Kozarjah

Napisal/-a esem Po jun 08, 2009 11:50 pm

dobek je napisal/-a:a ima kdo kak info o tem, da bi se naj za nakup saaba zanima celo koenigsegg (ki sta mu ravno saab in volvo od zacetka pomagala)?

Morda tu piše kaj več oz je kakšen dodaten link ... ier-80219/

kjer piše tudi to
AbsoluteSaab je napisal/-a:If Koenigsegg win the day with some serious Norwegian muscle behind them, then it's quite likely that THink! could be mixed up in the deal too. It was reported a few months ago that SAAB could loan out part of their facility to the Norwegian electric car company to produce their cars. SAAB could also be in talks with FIAT with regard to technology sharing as SAAB don't have a diesel and the world seems to be heading toward forced induction, something FIAT doesn't have much experience with, there should be room for some form of coalition. As for platforms, SAAB could work with either FIAT, or Magna with their new 'open-platform' but neither company would have to buy SAAB in order to create better synergies. This is the same as PSA and Toyota working together to create the Aygo, C1, and 107.
So just because SAAB would be owned by Koenigsegg it doesn't mean they can't form partnerships else where. Maybe this will give SAAB the opportunity to build the AERO-X or that Koenigsegg could build a GT based on the 9-5? Maybe SAAB can produce the 9-1 based on the TH!NK O Concept and all three companies can pull their resources in developing efficient hybrid systems which in turn could be sold to Asian markets drastically reducing costs.

Someone here has a foot note along the lines of "In order to think outside the box, you have to know what's in the box first" Koenigsegg, SAAB and THink! would have quite a lot in their box if they all came together. I'm sure that this Scandinavian tie-up, with their renowned resourcefulness, will certainly be able to come up with ways to generate a profit from them.

in to
mgescuro je napisal/-a:
mbukukanyau je napisal/-a:Saabs are still design in Sweden...
I think gM will keep a fat stake in Saab, and hopefully Hummer..
Saab Engineering is in Sweden -- albeit a very shrunken team.
Saab's head designer, I believe, is that Asian American dude that appeared in a few of the videos. Nothing that has come out Saab design has been remotely attractive. AeroX was nice, but hardly production worthy. And the look is not translating well onto the 9-3.

GM removed a lot of the unique qualities that made Saab a Saab. Like the door handles. There was a reason they were shaped the way they were. It facilitated being able to open the doors with thick gloves in the frozen winters of Sweden. A nice little innovation. They were also capable of being used as tow grips, in the event the car in a ditch or something, you could tie a rope onto the door handles and pull the car out.
Wanna put money on the fact that the current Saabs can't do that??

Small innovations that Saab has been known for since its inception have gone to zero under GM. I said it before, and I'll say it again. "GM doesn't know how to manage a niche brand."

It's time to bring that back.

In s tem se ne bi mogel bolj strinjat!
Uporabniški avatar
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Prispevkov: 646
Pridružen: Sr mar 14, 2007 6:33 am
Kraj: Chicago, USA

Napisal/-a chgotom To jun 09, 2009 2:33 am

Mene bolj zanima, kdo od dealerjev v ZDA bo sploh se hotel prodajat novi Chrysler (oz. Dodge/Jeep) oz. kar bo pac nastalo iz te kolobocije? Prejsnji lastnik Chrysler-ja se je proti koncu obnasal povsem neposlovno in v maniri popolnega brezobzirnega kapitalizma, brez pravega razloga so zaprli okoli 800 fransiziranih dealershipov po ZDA in to po principu "razprodajte in zaprite". Danes, torek 9. Junija je zadnji dan za razprodajo, po tem naj Chrysler ne bi vec nosil odgovornosti za tkim "sales incentives" in ostale ugodnosti, ki so jih prej dajali dealerjem, ti pa kupcem.

Dealerji tako niso bili nikoli v breme Chryslerju, avte, ki jih imajo na parkiriscih za prodajo so kupili bodisi s svojim denarjem oz. lastnimi bancnimi kreditnimi linijami ter tkim. "floor plan-i". Tu maticna tovarna s prstom ne migne v smislu stroskov, dealerji tudi sami oglasujejo in nosijo stroske za izobrazevanje zaposlenih (mehaniki, prodajalci itd.). Dealerji so ogorceni in zalostni in se verjetno ne bodo vec ponovno pustili takole nategnit. V informacijo: povprecen fransiziran dealer v ZDA ima takole med 200 in 500 avtov na lotu, nekateri tudi vec in je govora o miljonskih vrednostih, ki zdaj visijo izkljucno na dealerju.

Kupci pa: najprej zacudeni zdaj pa mnozicno obleganje saj Chrysler/Jeep/Dodge vozila se nikoli niso bila tako poceni. Prodaja zdaj te dni poteka bolj po principu "daj kar das, samo da se resimo plehovja...". Dealerji ponujajo avte dalec izpod cene, ki so jo sami placali zanje, samo, da nekaj dobijo.

LP iz Chicaga!
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Napisal/-a esem Sr jun 10, 2009 3:38 pm

esem je napisal/-a:...

In predvsem to

San Francisco Chronicle je napisal/-a:Supreme Court delays Chrysler's sale to Fiat

Monday, June 8, 2009
(06-08) 14:40 PDT WASHINGTON, (AP) --

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Monday delayed Chrysler's sale of most of its assets to a group led by Italy's Fiat, but didn't say how long the deal will remain on hold.

Ginsburg said in an order that the sale is "stayed pending further order," indicating that the delay may only be temporary.


Vrhovno sodišče je že dan kasneje sprostilo nakup.
Uporabniški avatar
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Pridružen: Sr feb 22, 2006 8:26 pm
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Napisal/-a martin_krpan To jun 16, 2009 6:23 pm

GM je prodal še eno znamko. Saaba je kupil švedski proizvajalec superšportnih avtomobilov Koenigsegg.


General Motors and Koenigsegg Group AB Reach Tentative Agreement on Saab

# Deal will secure Saab's future
# EIB expected to provide $600 million financing with state guarantee by the Swedish government
# GM reinvention achieves another milestone

Zurich. General Motors Corp. and Koenigsegg Group AB, a consortium led by Koenigsegg Automotive AB, today confirmed the details of a memorandum of understanding for the purchase of Saab Automobile AB that secures Saab's future.

The sale, expected to close by the end of the third quarter of this year, includes an expected $600 million funding commitment from the European Investment Bank (EIB) guaranteed by the Swedish government. Additional support is to be provided by GM and Koenigsegg Group AB to fund Saab's operations and product program investments. This includes plans to launch several new products that are in the final stages of development. Saab had filed for reorganization under Swedish Law on Feb. 20, 2009. This tentative agreement is a key milestone for Saab to successfully emerge from its reorganization process.

"This is yet another significant step in the reinvention of GM and its European operations," said GM Europe President, Carl-Peter Forster. "Saab is a highly respected automotive brand with great potential. Closing this deal represents the best chance for Saab to emerge a stronger company. Koenigsegg Group's unique combination of innovation, entrepreneurial spirit and financial strength, combined with Koenigsegg's proven ability to create world-class Swedish performance cars in a highly efficient manner, made it the right choice for Saab as well as for General Motors."

As part of the proposed transaction, GM will continue to provide Saab with architecture and powertrain technology during a defined time period. Additionally, Saab plans to produce its next generation 9-5 models in the Saab production facility in Trollhättan, Sweden.

"The proposed agreement will enable us to maximize the brand's potential through an exciting new product line-up with a distinctly Swedish character. Today's announcement is great news for Saab's current and future customers, dealers, suppliers and employees around the globe, said Jan Åke Jonsson, Managing Director of Saab Automobile AB.

The sale will be subject to customary closing conditions, including receipt of applicable regulatory, governmental and court approvals. Other terms and conditions specific to the sale are not being disclosed at this time. Deutsche Bank acted as financial advisor to General Motors Corporation.

General Motors Corp., one of the world's largest automakers, was founded in 1908, and today manufactures cars and trucks in 34 countries. With its global headquarters in Detroit, GM employs 235,000 people in every major region of the world, and sells and services vehicles in some 140 countries. In 2008, GM sold 8.35 million cars and trucks globally under the following brands: Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, GM Daewoo, Holden, Hummer, Opel, Pontiac, Saab, Saturn, Vauxhall and Wuling. GM's largest national market is the U.S., followed by China, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Canada, Russia and Germany. In Europe, GM sells its vehicles in over 40 markets. It operates 10 vehicle-production and assembly facilities in seven countries and employs about 50,000 people. More information on GM can be found at and GM Europe executives blog at support informed discussion and fact-based reporting, GM and Opel & Vauxhall have launched a new website at

Koenigsegg Group AB is a consortium of private investors led by Koenigsegg Automotive AB. Koenigsegg Automotive AB manufactures supercars. It has representatives in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, and the Oceania. The company was founded in 1994 and is based in Ängelholm, Sweden.
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Pridružen: To avg 15, 2006 7:36 pm
Kraj: Celje

Napisal/-a maniaxxx To jun 16, 2009 7:13 pm

:clapclap :bow :bow
Podpis je besedilo, ki se samodejno doda na koncu vsake vaše objave. Dolžina besedila je omejena na 355 znakov.
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Napisal/-a esem To jun 16, 2009 11:08 pm

martin_krpan je napisal/-a:GM je prodal še eno znamko. Saaba je kupil švedski proizvajalec superšportnih avtomobilov Koenigsegg.

Zurich. General Motors Corp. and Koenigsegg Group AB, a consortium led by Koenigsegg Automotive AB, today confirmed the details of a memorandum of understanding for the purchase of Saab Automobile AB that secures Saab's future.

The sale, expected to close by the end of the third quarter of this year, ...

Koenigsegg Group AB is a consortium of private investors led by Koenigsegg Automotive AB. Koenigsegg Automotive AB manufactures supercars. It has representatives in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, and the Oceania. The company was founded in 1994 and is based in Ängelholm, Sweden.

Dokončno šele konec septembra?

Sicer pa so delničarjo K. Group AB tile:

Shareholders in the new company are Koenigsegg, with a 23.4% stake, its owner and Chief Executive Christian von Koeningsegg's firm Alpraaz AB with 42.6%, Norwegian holding company Eker Group (dizajn, tudi delen lastnik K.-ja) with 11.8% and San Diego-based Mark Bishop with 22.2%, according to court documents. Saab's sales price hasn't been disclosed.

"Board members" nove družbe naj bi bili ("skriti" podporniki):

Board members would include Naples, Florida-based Augie K. Fabela II – the co-founder and former chairman of Russian telecoms operator VimpelCom – von Koeningsegg, Eker Group owner Baard Eker and Mark Bishop. Washington, D.C.-based Melissa Schwartz was named deputy board member.
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Napisal/-a drugmirko Sr jun 17, 2009 12:11 am

meni je tudi fajn tole.... čeprav sem rahlo skeptičen... kupla jih je fabrika, ki je lani naredila 18 avtov :lol: :P

drugač pa kr pašejo skupej :clapclap :clapclap :clapclap

živeo drugmirkooooo!!!!
Vrni se na Vozila prihodnosti

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