Če je kdo že bil kje in ima dobre fotke, je seveda vabljen, da objavi vtise in fotke.
Začnemo z novim Porsche-jevim muzejem, ki so ga odprli te dni v Stuttgartu.
(Sori za (pre)velike slike, a temu se v taki temi itak težko izognemo.)
The museum will be officially dedicated later this week before it opens its doors to the public on January 31, after which the museum will be open from Tuesday to Sunday every week from 9 am until 6 pm.
59 slik tu http://www.autoblog.com/photos/porsche- ... stuttgart/
Članek tu http://www.autoblog.com/2009/02/06/firs ... stuttgart/
uradna stran tu http://www.porsche.com/museum